By Robert Costanza | (The Conversation) | – – President Donald Trump is making it less likely the United States will meet the emissions targets it agreed at the 2015 Paris climate conference. These targets are themselves insufficient to meet the Paris Agreement’s overall goal of keeping global warming well within 2℃. But there is […]
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Sorry, Trump, China’s cut-back on Coal Dooms Industry
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump has said many foolish things, but his pledge to bring back coal takes the cake. Coal is the dirtiest source of energy. Not only does it produce enormous amounts of carbon dioxide when burned, but releases other toxins as well, including mercury. Mercury is […]
Study finds 6 600 spills from fracking in just four US states
The Watchers | – – Each year, 2 to 16 percent of hydraulically fractured oil and gas wells spill hydrocarbons, chemical-laden water, hydraulic fracturing fluids and other substances, according to a study published yesterday in Environmental Science & Technology. The analysis, which appeared February 21 in Environmental Science & Technology, identified 6 648 spills reported across […]
As Antarctica Ice Cover Shrinks, Trump Picks ‘Most Dangerous’ EPA Leader
TeleSur | – – Pruitt, a suspected climate change denier, has expressed plans to roll back climate policies that regulate the fossil fuel industry. The U.S. Senate on Friday confirmed Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, with support from 50 Republicans and two Democrats. Pruitt, a suspected climate change […]
All of Putin’s / Trump’s Men
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The NYT has broken the story that several Trump associates are under investigation by the FBI for their contacts with Russian intelligence and other officials during the 2016 presidential campaign. These contacts worried the FBI and other intelligence agencies, given that they were seeing Russian hacking […]
Give us your Huddled Scientists: France woos US Climate Researchers, Inventors in age of Trump
By Frédéric Simon | | – – The United States of America. Home of the free. Land of the brave. And, until Donald Trump became president, a beacon of science, research and technology. And Emanuel Macron wants a piece of it. Emmanuel Macron, who emerged this week as the favourite in the French presidential […]
Renewables now creating more jobs than Coal, Oil and Gas
TeleSur The findings of a new bolster climate justice movement arguments that transitioning to renewables will not only save the planet but save the economy. The U.S. Department of Energy found that in 2016 solar and wind industries created more electricity generating jobs than coal, oil, and gas combined, despite the fact that renewables […]
Cooking the Planet: GOP Congress quietly allows Methane Emissions on Public Land
By Andrea Germanos, staff writer | | – – Fossil fuel industry hits paydirt as congress approves measure that gives “away a taxpayer-owned resource for free” The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to repeal a rule curbing methane emissions on public lands, delivering a win, say environmental groups, to big oil and […]
Taking Iraq’s Oil
By Edward Hunt | (Foreign Policy in Focus | Originally published in Lobelog. Trump wants Iraq’s oil, and he’s not interested in sharing. The leaders of the United States have provided many reasons for their numerous interventions in Iraq. President Donald Trump has focused on one thing: the United States should take the country’s oil. […]