Understanding how performance-enhancing drugs raise the odds of success in sports helps us understand how dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere raises the chances of heat waves: It is the same form of reasoning in both cases. This analogy also helps us understand how the lies of Big Oil-backed outfits like the Heartland Institute about […]
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Frankenyear 2012: Hottest on Record, as US emits 5 bn tons of CO2 Annually
Can we sue the Koch brothers and all the other dirty-energy, climate change-denying moguls yet for the billions they are costing us in climate disasters every year because of their poisonous carbon emissions? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that: “2012 marked the warmest year on record for the contiguous United States with the […]
Climate Change is turning Australia Purple with Blazing Heat
The heat wave or “dome of heat” afflicting Australia may produce a record temperature of over 122 degrees F. (over 50 degrees C.). For temperatures above 122 F., Australian weathermen have developed a new color scheme, purple, which they hadn’t had to use before (the last record temperature in that range was just about 122 […]
Bye, Bye Alexandria: A 1-Meter Sea Rise is Certain
COP18, the Climate Change Conference held in Doha, Qatar, is a dismal failure, with the United States and Russia being the chief villains. The failure of the world’s leaders to have their hair on fire about the extreme challenges of the climate change we are producing with our carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions […]
Climate Change 101: Separate Fact from Fiction (Video Narrated by Bill Nye the Science Guy)
For all those still confused by the BP, Exxon-Mobil, American Enterprise Institute, Koch Brothers, Heritage Foundation, etc. stupid noise trying to muddy the waters on how Big Oil and Big Coal are causing massive climate change, here is a painless little documentary that explains how the world actually works. Suitable for sharing with those annoying […]
Greenpeace’s Naidoo: Doha Climate Conference Failed: The Youth Must Mobilize (Videos)
Greenpeace: Doha climate conference a failure, youth have been sold down the river. Executive Director Kumi Naidoo says that the youth must organize to avoid a “four degree world,” i.e. one 7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than in 1850. Naidoo, who hails from South Africa, points out that trillions of dollars were found for bank bailouts […]
Another thing Utah Could learn from Kenya: Olkaria IV Geothermal Plant to be largest in World
Utah did not vote for President Obama, whose father hailed from Kenya. But that state has something else to learn from the east African country. Scientists have found a massive geothermal hotspot in the Utah that could be used to generate electricity, with natural steam. (Most electricity generation, including by nuclear plants, just consists of […]
Avoiding the Nightmarish “Four Degree World” of 2060: We must Act Now (Giesen)
Tom Giesen writes in a guest column for Informed Comment: Global warming’s disasters once seemed far off and science-fictional. It is now becoming clear to the scientific community that, to the contrary, very bad things could happen beginning relatively soon. For Baby Boomers, from the the Cuban Missile Crisis or the assassination of John F. […]
The Tesla S and World Peace: Can American Green Energy End the Gulf Oil Wars?
Petroleum makes the world go round, with 70% of it used to power automobiles. About a fifth of the world’s 90 million barrels a day of oil production comes out of the Persian Gulf/ Arabian Gulf. A large part of the US stand-off with Iran has to do with petroleum. The US doesn’t want a […]