Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Department of the Interior announced this week that on December 6, auctions will be held for offshore wind farms off the coast of California in the Pacific Ocean. There are two kinds of offshore wind turbines. If the coastal shelf is shallow, they can be anchored on the ocean […]
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Has Putin bought Ankara’s Neutrality in Ukraine War with a Pledge to Make Turkiye a Gas Hub for Europe?
By Elif Selin Calik | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – To produce energy takes ages, but setting up new diplomatic ties, changes day by day. Even 24 hours are too many to follow all these changes in the 21st Century’s energy wars. Literally, we have seen this in 2020 during the energy price […]
Solar Farms foster Wildlife and Biodiversity. *Not* a Blight on the Landscape
By Angie Turner, Keele University; Eleanor Harrison, Staffordshire University; and Zoe Robinson, Keele University | – Liz Truss, the new UK prime minister, isn’t a fan of solar farms. In 2014, when she was environment secretary, she described rows of panels arranged in a field to capture energy from the sun as a “blight on […]
In Berlin, German Post Office to use Solar-Powered Riverboats on the Spree to deliver Mail
By Julian Wettengel | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – German postal service Deutsche Post DHL is testing emission-free delivery on Berlin’s Spree river with a solar-powered ship. The pilot project in the capital is an addition to the company’s existing CO2-neutral delivery fleet consisting of electric trucks and bicycles, and “shows we are […]
The Second Great Dying: The Earth has lost 4/5s of Fresh Water and 7/10s of Wildlife Species’ Populations in 50 Years
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 2022 Living Planet report is out and it does not bring good news. Since 1970, the scientists find that the population of fresh water species has plunged by 83%, and the population of wildlife species over all has fallen 69%. The researchers found a virtual extinction-level loss in Latin […]
To Deal with Saudi Arabia, Biden should Fast-Track both Iran Deal and the Greening of Transportation
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Reuters reports that the Biden White House is upset with Saudi Arabia over the recent OPEC+ decision to cut the output of the 21 nations grouped in the bloc by 2 million barrels a day. President Biden told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview Tuesday, “there will be consequences” for […]
In Irony, $9.7 bn. GigawattFactory Hub for Battery, Renewables, to be Built by Coal Firm on Wasteland its Open Mining Created
By Edgar Meza | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – German energy group LEAG, the country’s second biggest electricity producer and a key lignite company, plans to build the country’s largest renewable energy site in the eastern Lusatia coal mining region with the establishment of a 7 gigawatt (GW) hub by 2030. LEAG estimates […]
As Saudis stab Biden in the Back with OPEC+ Oil Cut, Only Electric Vehicles can Make US Independent
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In a major blow to President Joe Biden, on Wednesday, OPEC+ took steps toward cutting the oil production of the members by 2 million barrels a day. Jackie Northam at NPR reports the views of analysts who believe that Saudi Arabia and Russia drove the decision in order to get […]
There’s a huge Surge in Solar Production under Way – and Australia could show the World how to use It
By Andrew Blakers, Australian National University | – You might feel despondent after reading news reports about countries doubling down on fossil fuels to cope with energy price spikes. Don’t. It’s a blip. While the Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a temporary fossil fuel resurgence, it also accelerated Europe’s renewable ambitions. And the […]