By Sören Amelang | – dpa / Süddeutsche Zeitung / Clean Energy Wire. ( Clean Energy Wire ) – The German government is introducing tax breaks for the operation of small-scale photovoltaic systems and removing other bureaucratic hurdles to speed up the rollout of renewables. Income from systems with a capacity of up to 30 […]
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How 3 Gigawatts of Battery Power Plus Solar Saved California from Electricity Blackouts during the Heat Dome this Month
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In August 2020, California consumers suffered through a severe heat wave, responding by blasting their air conditioners. California had put in so much solar that by then that 34% of the state’s power came from wind and solar, and another 13.9% came from hydro. Nuclear still provided around 10% of […]
World’s largest Offshore Wind Farm Operational in UK, offering Lower Energy Prices, as Tories Scoff
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Danish wind energy company Orsted reported recently that its massive 1.3 gigawatt offshore wind farm, Hornsea 2, off the Yorkshire coast, has gone fully operational. It joins its sister project, Hornsea 1, which generates 1.2 gigawatts. A further, even bigger such facility, Hornsea 3, will have a nameplate capacity […]
Iran and the US appear unlikely to reach a new Nuclear Deal – leaving Everyone more Unsafe
By Nina Srinivasan Rathbun, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences | – (The Conversation) – Iran’s standoff with the United States over its potential nuclear weapons program is unlikely to ease anytime soon. The U.S. and Iran launched talks in 2021 to renew a now-defunct political deal that would curb Iran’s nuclear program. […]
Solar Power in US to grow by Factor of 3 by 2027 after IRA, Saving us from Climate Disasters and Lung Cancer (yes)
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Because of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), energy analysis firm Wood MacKenzie has increased its estimation of how much solar power the US is likely to install in the next five years by nearly 50%. Because of supply chain problems with solar panels, the firm does not expect the […]
U.S. House Members raise Objections to Manchin Deal fast-tracking Coal, Oil, Gas Projects
By Jacob Fischler | – ( Minnesota Reformer ) – More than 50 U.S. House members are objecting to a push to revise federal environmental permitting requirements for energy projects — part of a deal Democratic leaders struck with U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin III to win passage of their climate, health and taxes bill that […]
Germany’s Economy and Climate Ministry to tender 1.5 Gigs of new Solar, and Unleash Rooftop Solar Potential
By Benjamin Wehrmann | – Tagesspiegel Background ( Clean Energy Wire) Germany’s government plans to rapidly accelerate the expansion of solar power capacity in the country with several legal changes, energy policy newsletter Tagesspiegel Background reports. A proposal by the economy and climate ministry (BMWK) of Green minister Robert Habeck includes so-called “special crisis tenders” […]
Will Charles III be the first Eco-King? Vocal Proponent of Green Energy and Battler of Big Carbon takes the Throne
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The new king of England, despite being a booster of green energy and a foe of the climate emergency is not in a position to set government policy on climate issues. Unfortunately, that is the prerogative of new Prime Minister Liz Truss, a Tory close to Big Carbon who just […]
Heat pumps can cut your energy costs by up to 90%. It’s not magic, just a smart use of the laws of physics
By Alan Pears, RMIT University | – (The Conversation) – Heat pumps are becoming all the rage around a world that has to slash carbon emissions rapidly while cutting energy costs. In buildings, they replace space heating and water heating – and provide cooling as a bonus. A heat pump extracts heat from outside, concentrates […]