By Julian Wettengel | – ( Clean Energy Wire) – Germany has seen a second year of significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, as coal use fell by more than 20 percent and energy production from renewables increased, preliminary calculations by energy research group AG Energiebilanzen show. While the country’s overall energy use […]
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Fossil Fuels cause Climate Crisis and Wars: Turkey forces Israeli Ship to leave research on Cyprus Undersea Gas
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Daily Sabah is reporting that a couple of weeks ago the Turkish navy made an Israeli research vessel leave the territorial waters off Turkish Cyprus. The island has been divided politically into a Greek-speaking Cyprus and a Turkish province since the 1974 Turkish invasion. Since 2011 there have been […]
Green Democracy: This small German town took back the power – and went fully renewable
By Bertie Russell | – The case for ambitious and transformative environmental policy is being made with increasing fervour and a series of “Green New Deals” – a reference to Roosevelt’s economic reform programme in the 1930s – have been proposed over the past 12 months in the US, Europe, and the UK. Such policies […]
Green Steel Arrives for 1st Time in Mo.- How to get Low-Carbon Electric Cars and Buildings
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Nucor is building the first wind-powered electric micro-mill for steel production in Sedalia, Mo., writes Jeffrey Tomich at E&E News. The plant will use electric arc furnaces to produce steel instead of coal-fired furnaces, which are still used in nearly a third of US steel mills. Steel production world-wide accounts […]
Your Global Carbon Dioxide Output will hit Record ~37 bn. Tons and it is Very Bad News
By Pep Canadell, Corinne Le Quéré, Glen Peters, Pierre Friedlingstein, Robbie Andrew< , Rob Jackson and Vanessa Haverd | - Global emissions for 2019 are predicted to hit 36.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO₂), setting yet another all-time record. This disturbing result means emissions have grown by 62% since international climate negotiations began in […]
If we don’t Slash Coal, Oil use 8%/yr., the Earth is heading for a Calamitous Temp. Rise of nearly 6° F.
By Catherine Early | – China Dialogue – Missed opportunities for tough action on the climate emergency mean emissions cuts must be much faster, UN warns Emissions reductions need to be urgently speeded up, with a 7.6% cut required each year in order to keep global temperature rise within 1.5C, according to a UN assessment […]
Turning point in Climate Activism? Germans Block Coal Mines with their Bodies
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Deutsche Welle reports that that more than 1,000 green activists made their way past police lines and blocked trains at 3 important coal mines in eastern Germany on Saturday. A few clashes took place between police and protesters. The environmental group End of the Road claimed more like 4,000 people […]
Beef and Oil: Are Brazil’s Bolsonaro and Saudi’s MBS a Match Made in Heaven?
By Vitoria Avila Fioravanti | – Sao Paulo (Special to Informed Comment) – Beef, oil and veiling and a murdered journalist have catapulted the burgeoning relationship between Brazil and the controversial Kingdom of Saudi Arabia into the headlines for the first time this fall, though the two countries have had formal diplomatic relations since 1968. […]
Our hair Should be on Fire about the Climate Emergency–And we have the Technology to Resolve It
Andreas Busch | – When it comes to tackling climate change the UK is still taking baby steps. A lot more needs to be done – and fast – to hit the 2050 net zero carbon emission targets, which involves offsetting any emissions by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere. While this process can […]