Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Business Council for Sustainable Energy Factbook is out, and it has good news for the environment despite the dark shadow being cast by a climate denialist White House. The good news is that the incredible advance of solar power generation has boosted renewable sources of power to 24% of […]
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wind energy
As Trump Shutters US Offshore Wind, Asia’s Renewables Promise Cheaper Manufacturing, Trade Surpluses
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump has halted the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management from granting new offshore wind licenses. This move will gut the growing US offshore wind industry, though it does not necessarily affect already-granted licenses. Gavin Maguire at Reuters explains the outcome of this policy will be high energy costs for Americans, […]
Trump’s offshore Wind Energy Freeze: What States lose if the Executive Order remains in Place
By Barbara Kates-Garnick, Tufts University (The Conversation) – A single wind turbine spinning off the U.S. Northeast coast today can power thousands of homes – without the pollution that comes from fossil fuel power plants. A dozen of those turbines together can produce enough electricity for an entire community. The opportunity to tap into such […]
China’s Wind and Solar Soar by 357 Gigawatts, as Trump Mires us in backward, Planet-Wrecking Fossil Fuels
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – President Trump’s attempt to derail the wind and solar industries in the United States in favor of dirty fossil fuels is a threat to the health of the planet, of course. But it is also a threat to the US economy. Fossil fuels are sources of short term profits. As […]
In Sunny Spain, cheap Solar Power set to overtake Wind Generation, backed by Socialist Government and Co-ops
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Spain’s photovoltaic electricity production is set to surpass its wind power, according to China’s Xinhua news agency. Spain is Europe’s champion at producing solar power, because some of its regions are especially sunny — think Seville. The Global Energy Monitor puts it this way: “The country has more utility-scale solar […]
Germany: For First time, Wind and Solar Power Generation exceeds Fossil Fuels
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Ember energy analysis firm reports that for the first nine months of 2024, Germany generated more electricity from wind and solar than from fossil fuels for the first time in history. Wind and solar combined accounted for 45 percent of electricity. All in all, 59% of German electricity, almost […]
Wind powers a record Summer for Renewable Energy in Britain
By Grant Wilson, University of Birmingham; Daniel L. Donaldson, University of Birmingham; and Iain Staffell, Imperial College London | – Great Britain’s electricity system (Northern Ireland is part of the integrated Irish electricity grid) made a leap forward in August 2024. The amount of power generated by fossil fuels fell to 3.6 terrawatt-hours (TWh), its […]
In Six Years, Australia has doubled its Renewable Energy, and 36% of Households have Rooftop Solar
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Australia’s Climate Council has issued a new report on clean energy in the country’s states. Winter is ending in Australia, but it is worrisome that their August was among the hottest on record this year, presaging a hot dry summer to come, and raising the real risk of further massive […]
Over half of Turkey’s Electricity now comes from Renewables as it seeks to Escape Energy Dependence on Russia
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Turkiye is finally making strides toward a renewable grid. In the first half of 2024, according to the energy think tank Ember, over half (53%) of Turkiye’s electricity was generated by renewables. In the first two quarters of the previous year, 2023, that figure was only 44%. Moreover, the percentage […]