Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Rise Light & Power LLC announced on Tuesday that it will invest in an offshore wind facility so as to turn its Ravenswood Generating Station in Queens, New York City’s largest fossil fuel power plant, into a clean energy hub. The area around Ravenswood, mostly home to low-income minorities, is […]
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wind energy
Nearly 20% of New Vehicles in California Last Year were Zero-Emission, as Peak Oil nears
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) The office of California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that nearly 1 in 5 of new vehicles purchased in that state in 2022 were zero emission (ZEVs). Nationwide, nearly 6 percent of new vehicle registrations were electric. This statistic of 18.8% ZEVs did not represent business as usual for California. The […]
EU, IEA: Next 10 Years will See Greatest Industrial Transformation of our Times
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Six million workers are employed globally in the $217 billion green energy industry today. But in only 8 years, they will more than double to 14 million. Half of those jobs would be connected to “electric vehicles, solar PV, wind and heat pumps.” And the size of the industry will […]
Just How Big Can Wind Turbines get, as Some already Rival Skyscrapers?
By Simon Hogg, Durham University | – In 2023, some 100 miles off the coast of north-east England, the world’s largest wind turbines will start generating electricity. This first phase of the Dogger Bank offshore wind farm development uses General Electric’s Haliade X, a turbine that stands more than a quarter of a kilometre high […]
Rapid Move to Wind and Solar Power would Save the world $12 Trillion: Oxford Study
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A transition away from fossil fuels to renewable sources of power by 2050 will save the world $12 trillion, according to a new study published in Joule by Oxford researchers Rupert Way, Matthew C. Ives, Penny Mealy, and J. Doyne Farmer. Oxford’s press release points out that the paper foresees […]
Russia’s Ukraine War and Energy Crisis have Scared the World into Turbocharging adoption of Wind, Solar for Power
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A new report by the International Energy Agency suggests that the 2022 global energy crisis, caused in part by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, has had the effect of greatly accelerating the world’s rush to green energy. The IEA suggests that its estimates for the pace of the transition to […]
First US Leases to Build Wind Farms off California’s Coast are Let: The Amazing Technology
By Matthew Lackner, UMass Amherst | – (The Conversation) – Northern California has some of the strongest offshore winds in the U.S., with immense potential to produce clean energy. But it also has a problem. Its continental shelf drops off quickly, making building traditional wind turbines directly on the seafloor costly if not impossible. Once […]
52% of S. Dakota’s Electricity comes from Wind Power and other Green Energy Triumphs even in Red States
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – About 10% of the electricity generated in the US comes from wind installations. It isn’t nearly enough, either to fight the climate crisis or just to improve people’s health. It has now become clear that the people who get lung cancer but do not smoke are living near coal-fired power […]
Tumultuous First Year for Germany’s Government may start Energy Transition Push
Benjamin Wehrmann | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – One year after taking over Germany’s government, chancellor Olaf Scholz’s “traffic light” coalition [so called because his Social Democratic Party (SPD) is symbolized by red, the center-right Free Democrats (FDP) are yellow, and the Green Party is, well, green], the looks back at some turbulent […]