By Patrick Parenteau, Vermont Law School | – In a highly anticipated but not unexpected 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled on June 30, 2022, that the Obama adminstration’s Clean Power Plan exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act. The ruling doesn’t take away the EPA’s power to regulate carbon […]
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Extreme Heat
Climate Emergency: Iran’s Abadan hits unprecedented 126° F., as Gov’t Offices are forced to Close
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Iran International reports that a temperature of 126 degrees F. (52.2C) has been recorded in Abadan. It is the highest temperature officially recorded in that city in the 70 years official records have been kept. Globally, it is one of the the higher temperatures observed before the summer solstice since […]
Petition to Phase Out Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Pollution to Restore a Stable and Healthy Climate – James E. Hansen, Donn Viviani, et al.
Via Climate Restoration and Restoration Initiative BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Petition to Phase Out Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Pollution to Restore a Stable and Healthy Climate TO Michael S Regan, Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 Submitted on Behalf of Petitioners Donn J. Viviani, John Birks, Richard Heede, […]
The Ukraine War must Impel us to Switch to Green Energy, not Double Down on Fossil Fuels
By Burak Elmalı | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – The Russia-Ukraine War has lasted for four months and counting. It has raised various questions about new waves of refugees, energy resources, food prices and the revision of national security policies all over the world. The week after the Russian invasion in February, US […]
This Week’s Climate Disasters in the US are Giving us a Glimpse of our Future if we don’t Stop CO2
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – We’re only midweek, but we have already seen serial disasters across the United States that have been exacerbated by the climate emergency, caused by human beings burning coal, methane gas and petroleum. So writes Mihai Andrei at ZME Science. I put it to you that this first paragraph at the […]
California Milestone: State for First Time briefly Generates 103% of its Electricity from Renewables
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On one day in May, Lauren Sommer at NPR reported, California ran for several hours on 103% renewable electricity, which means it generated enough electricity from wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and battery to fulfill the entire needs of the state plus to be able to export a bit to neighboring […]
Lessons in Activism: How Australia’s expanding environmental Movement is breaking the Climate Action Deadlock in Politics
By Robyn Gulliver, The University of Queensland | – The federal election saw voters’ growing concern about Australia’s laggardly response to climate change finally addressed, with teal independents garnering seats in Liberal heartland and record votes for Greens candidates. But what caused this seismic shift in Australia’s political landscape? And why now? We believe the […]
European Parliament bans New Gasoline Cars in 13 Years for 449 Million People, to fight Climate Emergency and Russia
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Margaux Otter at L’Obs reports that on Wednesday, the European Parliament voted to ban the sale of new internal combustion engine (ICE) automobiles by 2035, only thirteen years from now. It is an epochal vote that aims at completely re-configuring the automobile industry in the 27-member European Union, with its […]
The Iraqi Dust Bowl: The US Invaded for its Oil, but now Climate Change from burning Fossil Fuels is Smothering the Country
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Some Middle East countries profit off oil and gas, but the very source of their prosperity is threatening their future, since burning these fossil fuels causes global heating, and you wouldn’t want the Middle East to be hotter than it already is. But it will be. The very oil that […]