Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Alarabiya reports from Dubai on the massive explosion on the deck of a ship that was coming in to dock at the Jebel Ali port there, which could be heard for miles and shook the city’s skyscrapers. Since the explosion was on the ship, it appears not to have done […]
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Extreme Heat
Kuwait is the Hottest Place on Earth; Lytton, Canada was Right Behind it, and then it Burned Down; This is not Normal
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Mohammed Haddad at Al Jazeera English reports that in June, at least 23 countries experienced at least 122° F. (50° C.). Haddad’s article kindly provides several graphics under a Creative Commons licence, reproduced below. The earth is heating up because we burn gasoline in our cars and burn coal for […]
How the Media manages to Report the Northwest Heat Dome without Mentioning the Carbon Dioxide Emissions that Drove it
By Kamyar Razavi | – ( The Conversation) – New normal. Record-breaking. Unprecedented. In recent days, as Western Canada and the United States have been broiling under a climate-fuelled heat crisis, all sorts of superlatives have been used to describe never-before-seen temperatures: the British Columbia community of Lytton hit a mind-boggling 49.5 C on June […]
Turkey’s Night of the Living Sea Snot: Global Heating, Industrial Pollution Endanger Marmara Sea
By Doga Celik | – ( ) – The Marmara Sea is a pristine body of water, extending from the Dardanelles Strait to the Bosphorus. Since late May, the Marmara sea has been making international headlines for an unfortunate reason. ‘Sea snot’ and its causes A slimy, organic foam named “sea snot”, officially known […]
As we continue to burn Gasoline, Coal, Rocky Mountain forests burning more now than any time in the past 2,000 years
By Philip Higuera, Bryan Shuman and Kyra Wolf | – The exceptional drought in the U.S. West has people across the region on edge after the record-setting fires of 2020. Last year, Colorado alone saw its three largest fires in recorded state history, one burning late in October and crossing the barren Continental Divide well […]
Why the Current Historic Drought in the Southwest May be the New Normal
By Alyssa Marksz | – ( Cronkite News) – WASHINGTON – Arizona and other Western states just lived through the driest year in more than a century, with no drought relief in sight in the near future, experts told a House panel Tuesday. The period from last April to this March was the driest in […]
One in three heat deaths since 1991 linked to climate crisis – here’s how else warming affects our health
By Chloe Brimicombe and Hannah Cloke | – Since 1991, 37% of lives lost due to extreme heat globally can be attributed to climate change on average. That’s according to a new study which gathered data from 732 locations across 43 countries and calculated how often local temperatures exceeded what is ideal for human health. […]
Heating America: Nat’l Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin. issues Stats on ‘Normal’ U.S. Weather; this isn’t It
By Russ Schumacher and Becky Bolinger | – Anyone who listens to weather reports has heard meteorologists comment that yesterday’s temperature was 3 degrees above normal, or last month was much drier than normal. But what does “normal” mean in this context – and in a world in which the climate is changing? The National […]
Surging of Dangerous Greenhouse Gas Methane endangers our Planet: Why we Have to Stop It
By Drew Shindell | – Methane, the main ingredient in natural gas, is a larger climate problem than the world anticipates, and cutting its emissions will be crucial to slow global warming, a new United Nations report warns. The greenhouse gas is many times more powerful than carbon dioxide at warming the planet, and its […]