By Sam Purkis | – The Chagos Archipelago is one of the most remote, seemingly idyllic places on Earth. Coconut-covered sandy beaches with incredible bird life rim tropical islands in the Indian Ocean, hundreds of miles from any continent. Just below the waves, coral reefs stretch for miles along an underwater mountain chain. It’s a […]
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Extreme Heat
Mammals face an uncertain future as global temperatures rise
By Maria Paniw and Rob Salguero-Gómez | – Even with fires, droughts and floods regularly in the news, it’s difficult to comprehend the human toll of the climate crisis. It’s harder still to understand what a warming world will mean for all the other species we share it with. This is true for even our […]
Methane Menace and Global Heating: Why President Biden is wrong and Fracking must be Banned
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – When running for office, Joe Biden pledged that the federal government would not ban hydraulic fracturing or fracking. This environmentally disastrous method of extracting petroleum and natural gas from shale rock beneath the earth involves pumping water down there under enormous pressure to break up the rocks and release the […]
How climate insecurity could trigger more conflict in Somalia and the Horn of Africa
By Andrew E. Yaw Tchie | – Climate change effects such as droughts, flash floods, erratic rainfall, disruption to the monsoon seasons, strong winds, cyclones, sandstorms, dust storms and increased temperature are being experienced across Somalia. These effects are affecting livelihoods, and contributing to local grievances and community tensions. Some of these insights and conclusions […]
Antarctica’s ice shelves are trembling as Earth heats, threatening Sea Level Rise unless we Act Now
By Ella Gilbert | – Images of colossal chunks of ice plunging into the sea accompany almost every news story about climate change. It can often make the problem seem remote, as if the effects of rising global temperatures are playing out elsewhere. But the break-up of the world’s vast reservoirs of frozen water – […]
German Scientists: Without Drastic Climate Action, World could be headed to Dangerous 7.2° F. extra Heating
By Benjamin Wehrmann | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – Current emissions reduction efforts around the world are insufficient to limit global warming to up to 2 degrees Celsius in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, Germany’s Meteorological Service (DWD) has said. Despite globally reduced mobility and depressed industrial production due to the coronavirus […]
Scientists: Earth is substantially hotter than at any time during past 12,000 Years; entire Holocene was Cool
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Our human civilization, with agriculture is only about 10,000 years old. It started in the Middle East in the Neolithic. An ice age began about 3 million years ago, and we are still in it inasmuch as Antarctica is covered with ice as is the North Pole, Greenland and the […]
Climate Crisis: what would 7.1° F. ( 4°C) of global warming feel like?
By Robert Wilby | – Another year, another climate record broken. Globally, 2020 tied with 2016 as the warmest year ever recorded. This was all the more remarkable given that cool conditions in the Pacific Ocean – known as La Niña – began to emerge in the second half of the year. The Earth’s mean […]
“Never before in the History of Civilization have we had such Warming:” 2020 saw $210 billion in Natural Disasters
By Charlotte Nijhuis | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – Latest data released by the Copernicus Climate Change Service show that globally 2020 was on par with the warmest year ever recorded (2016), marking the end of the warmest decade on record. Meanwhile, Europe saw its warmest year on record, 0.4°C [0.72° F.] warmer […]