By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Costa Rica, which has among the cleanest electrical grids in the world, has just passed a law promoting electric vehicles. The transportation sector in this Central American country of 5 million is heavily dependent on dirty petroleum and accounts for about half of its emissions of […]
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Climate Change
To stop Global Heating, Meat Taxes are Coming
By Matt Mace | | ( – – Estimates suggest that meat and dairy demand will mean agriculture will emit 20 gigatonnes of emission per year by 2050, out of the annual limit of 23 needed to meet the Paris Agreement’s targets. Investors say that the implementation of the Paris Agreement will lead some […]
Exodus of Climate Scientists to France only the Beginning if GOP Guts Grad Education
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – French President Emmanuel Macron has a program he calls MAPA – “Making the Planet Great Again.” His government is offering funding to climate scientists who are facing obstacles in their home countries, to come and work in France. He just managed to lure away 18 high-powered […]
Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land: Heart-Wrenching Climate Change Video:
National Geographic | – – Dec. 7, 2017 – This is what climate change looks like. This starving polar bear was spotted by National geographic photographer Paul Nicklen while on an expedition in the Baffin Islands. As temperatures rise, and sea ice melts, polar bears lose access to the main staple of their diet—seals. Starving, […]
1% plans Blade Runner Walls against 250 mn Climate Refugees
By Todd Miller | ( | – – When I first talked to the three Honduran men in the train yard in the southern Mexican town of Tenosique, I had no idea that they were climate-change refugees. We were 20 miles from the border with Guatemala at a rail yard where Central American refugees […]
Climate Denier Rupert Murdoch’s Estate Burned in LA December Wildfires
The Watchers | – – 1. 1. Rupert's network denies global warming.2. Global warming burns down his home.3. The end.#LAfire — jp (@jpdoctor) December 6, 2017 2. Wochit News: “Rupert Murdoch’s California Home Threatened by Wildfires” ——– 3. The Watchers | – – California Gov. Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency in […]
German Poll: Trump a bigger Challenge than N. Korea, Russia or Syria
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – A public opinion poll on German foreign policy carried out by the Koerber Foundation for its annual Berlin Forum has a bombshell finding: Germans are more disturbed about Trump and see relations with him as a bigger challenge than relations with North Korea, Russia, or than […]
Trump still wants Expensive Coal but the Market wants Cheap wind & Solar
By Jonathan Marshall | ( | – – Market trends now favor renewable energy as a cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels, but President Trump’s resistance to this good news is doing real damage in the fight against global warming, reports Jonathan Marshall. With petrochemical billionaires Charles and David Koch paying many of the GOP’s bills […]
Will Fleeing Puerto Ricans ever return home from the Mainland?
By Alexis R. Santos-Lozada | (The Conversation) | – – Even before this year’s devastating hurricane season, the team of demographers I work with at Penn State and the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics had predicted that the population of Puerto Rico would decline over the next few decades. Have Hurricanes Irma and María accelerated […]