Lest we forget, here is a 2015 column full of ironies for Florida’s increasingly dire climate change challenge: Nadia Prupis, staff writer | ( Commondreams.org) | – – Since 2011, environmental agency workers have been instructed not to refer to ‘climate change’ and other words like ‘sustainability,’ investigative report shows. Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection […]
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Climate Change
Hurricane Matthew a Herald of Man-Made Climate Change
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – If your tv isn’t telling you the below, turn it off and read more Informed Comment columns instead. Hurricane Matthew is unusually strong, and was for a while there a level 5 tropical storm. Level 5 hurricanes only form when the top layer of the ocean […]
‘Smoking Gun’ Shows GOP-Oil Industry Climate Denial Collusion
By TeleSur | – – Republican attorneys general are accused of helping shield ExxonMobil over climate change fabrications. Environmental groups have called allegations of Republican attorneys generals colluding with lobbyists from the fossil fuel industry “a smoking gun when it comes to fossil fuel industry corruption.” These Republican officials are accused of protecting oil giant […]
Top Six things *You* can Do to Stop Global Warming – Bill Nye
AJ+ | (Video) “Bill Nye the Science Guy has a few solutions to curbing climate change and putting a stop to global warming.” AJ+: ” Bill Nye’s Climate Call To Action” 1. Increase efficiency 2. Produce electricity renewably (wind and solar) 3. Revolutionize energy infrastructure & distribution 4. Electrify all ground transportation 5. Carbon tax […]
The last Time Summer was this Hot, Human beings hadn’t yet Left Africa
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) Summer of 2016 was not only hotter than any summer on record, i.e. since 1880. We have enough proxies for global average temperature to know that it was hotter than any summer since at least 1016, when Genoa launched a campaign against Muslim Sardinia and Norway not only got […]
Welcome to Masdar City: the ultimate experiment in sustainable urban living
By Susan Lee | (The Conversation) | – – Ten years ago in the United Arab Emirates, a new settlement was started from scratch, with the aim of becoming “the world’s most sustainable city”. Masdar City was designed to be zero-carbon and zero-waste, home to a population of 40,000 people, with an additional 50,000 commuters, […]
Is the Native American pipeline resistance in N. Dakota about climate justice?
By Kyle Powys Whyte | (The Conversation) | – – Over the past months, hundreds of indigenous persons and their allies have gathered near the crossing of the Missouri and Cannon Ball rivers in the ancestral territories of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. Using nonviolent means, their goal is to stop the building of the […]
Endangering the Planet: Populist New Right opposes Climate Action as much as Immigration
By Michael T. Klare | ( Tomdispatch.com | – – In a year of record-setting heat on a blistered globe, with fast-warming oceans, fast-melting ice caps, and fast-rising sea levels, ratification of the December 2015 Paris climate summit agreement — already endorsed by most nations — should be a complete no-brainer. That it isn’t tells […]
Most US Networks slight coverage as US & China join Paris Climate Accord in key Turning Point
By Guy Dinmore | (Inter Press Service) | – – HONOLULU, Hawaii (IPS) – The world’s super-polluters – the United States and China – have formally joined the Paris Agreement on climate change in a symbolic show of unity. At a ceremony in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, where China is hosting a summit […]