Tom Giesen | (Informed Comment) | – – The Clinton presidential campaign has indicated that it will not support a carbon tax. But we simply cannot meet greenhouse gas reduction goals without a price on carbon. How can we take Secretary Clinton’s commitment to climate action seriously if she rejects carbon pricing outright? Clinton’s negligence […]
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Climate Change
Chomsky: Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and the Prospects for Survival
By Noam Chomsky | ( | – – [This essay is excerpted from Noam Chomsky’s new book, Who Rules the World? (Metropolitan Books).] In January 2015, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced its famous Doomsday Clock to three minutes before midnight, a threat level that had not been reached for 30 years. The […]
Crisis and Climate Change Driving Unprecedented Migration
By Manipadma Jena | (Inter Press Service) | – – Manipadma Jena interviews the director general of the International Organization for Migration, Wiliam Lacy Swing. Owing to demographic drivers, countries are going to become more multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious, says William Lacy Swing, Director General of the International Organisation for Migration. NAIROBI, Kenya, Jun 6 […]
Not the Onion: Trump: ‘No California Drought & I will Solve it’
TeleSur | – – The presumptive GOP nominee told supporters in Fresno, California on Friday that he does not believe the state is currently facing drought-like conditions. During an electoral campaign speech on Friday, Republican presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump told California voters that he can solve the state’s water crisis by simply declaring “there […]
Trump accepts Climate Change threat . . . to his Golf Course
By Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian | ( The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Donald Trump has said that he believes climate change is a hoax. That contradicts his company’s filing in Ireland, to build a sea wall to protect his golf resort, from rising sea levels caused by climate change. Cenk Uygur […]
The Hottest Year on Record: 12th month in a row of unprecedented heat
Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks) | – – “The planet keeps getting warmer. The level of destruction from natural disasters is also climbing. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.. . “For the 12th month in a row, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced record-high global temperatures — marking […]
Sea-level rise has claimed five whole islands in the Pacific: first scientific evidence
By Simon Albert, Alistair Grinham, Badin Gibbes, Javier Leon, & John Church | (The Conversation) | – – Sea-level rise, erosion and coastal flooding are some of the greatest challenges facing humanity from climate change. Recently at least five reef islands in the remote Solomon Islands have been lost completely to sea-level rise and coastal […]
Can Leonardo DiCaprio save Iran’s incredible shrinking Lake Urmia?
By Tori Egherman | ( ) | – – In one “regram,” American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has brought a flood of attention to Iran's drying Lake Urmia. Lake Urmia (sometimes spelled Orumyeh or Urmieh) has been an issue for Iranian environmentalists and water engineers for years. The lake was once the largest salt water […]
Wildfire: Syrian Refugees in Canada Donating to help climate Refugees
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Syrian refugees in Canada are using Facebook and web sites to raise donations for climate refugees from the massive tar sands fire that has destroyed much of Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada and forced the evacuation of 80,000 people living in the city and its surroundings. […]