Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The European Centre for Development Policy Management has issued a new report on the threats of human-caused climate change to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, concentrating on cross-border dangers that affect more than one country. Heat and drought would rank high on this list. The Middle East […]
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Sea Level
Extreme Weather has already cost Vulnerable Island Nations $141 Billion
Emily Wilkinson, ODI Global; Ilan Noy, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington; Matt Bishop, University of Sheffield, and Vikrant Panwar, ODI Global (The Conversation) – Two years ago, when the curtain fell on the COP27 summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, developing nations on the frontline of climate change had something meaningful to […]
Why Human-Caused Climate Change is coming for the vulnerable Carolinas
By Russ Schumacher, Colorado State University and Kathie Dello, North Carolina State University | – (The Conversation) – Hurricane Helene caused deadly and destructive flooding when it swept through the Southeast on Sept. 26-29, 2024. Across a broad swath of western North Carolina, where the worst flooding occurred, the amount of rainfall exceeded levels that […]
New EPA Rules will force Fossil Fuel Power Plants to cut Pollution
By: Robert Zullo – ( Michigan Advance ) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday released a sweeping set of rules aimed at cutting air, water and land pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants. Environmental and clean energy groups celebrated the announcement as long overdue, particularly for coal-burning power plants, which have saddled hundreds of communities […]
Human-Caused Climate Change will cut your Paycheck by a Fifth over the next 26 Years
By Julian Wettengel | – Clean Energy Wire ) – The damaging effects of climate change are set to hit economic growth severely across most countries, said researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). With the climate change that is already locked-in through past and “plausible” future emissions, income will be 19 […]
New Islands are being built at Sea – But they won’t Help Millions made Homeless by sea-level Rise
By Alastair Bonnett, Newcastle University | Dubai’s famous Palm Jumeirah is not the only man-made island to have emerged from the sea this century. Over the past 20 years, many islands have been built to accommodate both tourists and well-heeled residents – especially in the Arabian Gulf states and China. In an era of sea-level […]
A Single Antarctic heatwave or storm can Noticeably Raise the Sea Level
By Edward Hanna
If melting Glaciers shut down the Atlantic Gulf Stream, Extreme Climate Change Catastrophes will Follow
By René van Westen, Utrecht University; Henk A. Dijkstra, Utrecht University; and Michael Kliphuis, Utrecht University | – Superstorms, abrupt climate shifts and New York City frozen in ice. That’s how the blockbuster Hollywood movie “The Day After Tomorrow” depicted an abrupt shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean’s circulation and the catastrophic consequences. While Hollywood’s vision […]
2023’s extreme Storms, Heat and Wildfires broke Records, and Burning Fossil Fuels Played a big Part
By Shuang-Ye Wu, University of Dayton | – The year 2023 was marked by extraordinary heat, wildfires and weather disasters. In the U.S., an unprecedented heat wave gripped much of Texas and the Southwest with highs well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius) for the entire month of July. Historic rainfall in April flooded Fort […]