TeleSur | (Informed Comment) | – – Carbon dioxide or CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have reached unprecedented high levels, a United Nations watchdog group reports, warning that urgent measures are needed to achieve the targets set by the Paris climate agreement and avoid cataclysmic changes in the earth’s climate conditions. “Concentrations of carbon dioxide […]
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Super Storms
After CO2-fueled Disasters, Why won’t the U. of Michigan go Green?
Jonathan Morris | ( The Michigan Daily) | – – This month, two remarkable events occurred that passed mostly under the radar here on campus. First, to start off the month, the University of Michigan celebrated its bicentennial with an entire week of climate change-themed activities, called MC2: Michigan & The Climate Crisis. This event […]
Puerto Ricans Must Come First, Not Wall Street Vultures
By Maria Beri | ( | – – Every dollar going to one of the hedge funds that have bought up much of the island’s debt is a dollar taken away from saving lives. I still cry when I talk to my family back in Puerto Rico. I am from a small town in Puerto […]
Singer Marc Anthony to Trump: You will be held Accountable for needless American Deaths in Puerto Rico
Marc Anthony calls Trump approach to Puerto Rico disaster “tone-deaf, idiotic, callous and disrespectful”
Trump’s Billionaire Cronies feed at Public Trough as he disses Puerto Rico
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump’s petulant tweet storm on Saturday accused Puerto Ricans of wanting everything done for them. He expressed these sentiments as his secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, was forced to resign for flying around on expensive government airplanes or charters, costing tax payers over […]
After Hurricane, Trump Reminds Puerto Rico of ‘Massive Debt’
TeleSur | – – “Maria has left behind her a trail of devastation and a humanitarian crisis,” said the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico’s largest city. As Puerto Rico struggles to recover from Hurricane Maria, Trump has reminded the island of its “massive debt,” adding the U.S. territory “owed to Wall Street and the […]
If Trump were really President, he’d Forgive Puerto Rico’s Debts and Rescue it
Washington owes it to 3.4 mn US citizens to help them rebuild
How Colonialism, Inequality turbocharge Caribbean Hurricanes
Historical legacy of exploitation and poverty lingers
Much of U.S.’s Puerto Rico “Destroyed” by 138 mi/hr Storm, Pleads with Trump for Aid
Climate Scientists predicted serial Super-Storms decades ago