By Stefanie Colombo, Dalhousie University and Aaron MacNeil, Dalhousie University | – The health benefits of eating seafood are appreciated in many cultures which rely upon it to provide critical nutrients vital to our physical and mental development and health. Eating fish and shellfish provides significant benefits to neurological development and functioning and provides protection […]
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Climate Crisis
In First, Britain Likely Generated more Electricity from Wind/Water/Hydro than Fossil Fuels in 2023
By Grant Wilson, University of Birmingham; Joseph Day, University of Birmingham; and Katarina Pegg | – There are many milestones to pass in the transition from a high to low-carbon sustainable energy system. There is the first hour without coal, or oil, or gas generation (or all of them together) and the point when the […]
2023’s extreme Storms, Heat and Wildfires broke Records, and Burning Fossil Fuels Played a big Part
By Shuang-Ye Wu, University of Dayton | – The year 2023 was marked by extraordinary heat, wildfires and weather disasters. In the U.S., an unprecedented heat wave gripped much of Texas and the Southwest with highs well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius) for the entire month of July. Historic rainfall in April flooded Fort […]
How Big Oil is Taking us for a Fossil-Fuelized Ride: With the World the Hottest in 125,000 Years, we’re being Gaslighted
Here is my latest column for The Nation Institute’s must-read site. Make sure to check out the original for legendary journalist Tom Engelhardt’s fantastic introduction. And spread some of the joy by supporting his site, too. As for the dastardly greenwashing of Big Oil, by all means get mad but also get even, and […]
Climate Tipping Points are Nearer than you Think — Our New Report Warns of Catastrophic Risk
By James Dyke, University of Exeter and David Armstrong McKay, Stockholm University | – It’s now almost inevitable that 2023 will be the warmest year ever recorded by humans, probably the warmest for at least 125,000 years. Multiple temperature records were smashed with global average temperatures for some periods well above 1.5°C. Antarctic sea ice […]
New Climate Report Shows Impact of Drying on Human Health in American Southwest
By Alex Hager/KUNC ( Cronkite News ) – The arid West is getting drier, and shrinking water supplies pose a boatload of risks to human health throughout the region. Those findings come from a new federal report on climate change that also covers a broad range of hazards brought on by changing climate patterns due […]
Another Reason to be anti-War: It Systemically Ruins the Earth’s Entire Ecologic System
By Jonathan Bridge, Sheffield Hallam University | – (The Conversation) – On the morning of December 6 1917, a French cargo ship called SS Mont-Blanc collided with a Norwegian vessel in the harbour of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada. The SS Mont-Blanc, which was laden with 3,000 tons of high explosives destined for the battlefields […]
Fossil CO₂ Emissions hit Record High yet again in 2023
By Pep Canadell, CSIRO; Corinne Le Quéré, University of East Anglia; Glen Peters, Center for International Climate and Environment Research – Oslo; Judith Hauck, Universität Bremen; Julia Pongratz, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Philippe Ciais, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA); Pierre Friedlingstein, University of Exeter; Robbie Andrew, Center for International Climate […]
Pre-COP Report: German Industry Investments in Climate Protection increased 74% over 10 years
By Edgar Meza | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – German industry is increasingly investing in climate protection measures, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported just before the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), which kicked off on 30 November. Climate protection investments in the manufacturing sector have increased by 74.3 percent over a decade. […]