Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – One of the most visible manifestations of the climate emergency is heat waves. The earth’s climate is incredibly complex, and climate change can produce freezing “bomb cyclones” as well as unseasonably sweltering weather. Still, the past ten years are the hottest in recorded history on average, and extra heat is […]
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Climate Crisis
Renewables Cover Half of Germany’s Electricity Demand in First Quarter of 2023
By Carolina Kyllmann | – ( Clean Energy Wire) – Renewable energy covered about half of electricity consumption in Germany during the first three months of 2023, according to preliminary calculations by energy industry association BDEW and the centre for solar research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW). In total, around 138 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) were consumed – […]
Kerry is Right that US must Cooperate with China to fight Climate Crisis, and CATL’s new Sodium Ion Battery Proves it
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A startling new development in battery technology underscores why John Kerry is right that the US needs to cooperate with China on combating the climate crisis. The Washington Blob, the combination of lobbyists, permanent bureaucrats, national security professionals and think tanks, is always looking for an enemy to demonize. China […]
Arctic sea ice loss and fierce storms leave Kivalina fighting to protect its island from the sea – ‘we just can’t adapt this fast’
By P. Joshua Griffin, University of Washington | – As winds and waves from Typhoon Merbok devastated communities along the coast of Western Alaska in 2022, Reppi Swan Sr.’s phone began to ring at Kivalina, a barrier island 80 miles above the Arctic Circle. A neighboring family had lost 3 feet of land to the […]
Rapid Heating of Oceans Frightens Scientists: Threatens Marine Life, Coastal Areas
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The oceans are hot. They are hot in a way that surprises and distresses climate scientists, Everyone knew they would heat up because of the climate emergency. But no one thought it would happen this fast and with this intensity. Moreover, some of the side effects we are seeing, like […]
On Earth Day, 69% of Americans want Carbon Neutrality, with Minorities and Youth in the Vanguard
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On Earth Day, 2023, big public events were held by activists across the US (and across the world). But activists you always have with you. I joined in picking up garbage along the road that led to our high school on April 22, 1970, the first earth day. The world […]
Climate Change makes ‘Florida Rain-bombs’ more Common, as DeSantis would Know if he had bothered to Visit Ft Lauderdale
Craig Pittman ( Florida Phoenix)- If you live in Florida, you never suffer from an irony deficiency. Case in point: Flood managers from across the nation gathered in South Florida last week for a conference — only to run into the region’s worst flooding in yeeeeeeeeears. (Hey, do you think we can get the […]
Glaciers in Swiss Alps lost 6% of Mass last Year, as Climate Emergency brings brutal Heat Waves
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The UN’s World Meteorological Organization has issued its annual report. As you will have guessed, things don’t look good. There were 117 heat waves in 2022 and 58 droughts globally. But there were also 61 wet spells and 63 floods. We are rushing toward weather extremes. Global heating has driven […]
Antarctica’s Heart of Ice has skipped a Beat. The only Medicine is Halting Fossil Fuels
By Edward Doddridge, University of Tasmania | – (The Conversation) – The rhythmic expansion and contraction of Antarctic sea ice is like a heartbeat. But lately, there’s been a skip in the beat. During each of the last two summers, the ice around Antarctica has retreated farther than ever before. And just as a change […]