( Tomdispatch.com ) – Honestly, what would George Orwell have written about this planet of ours, four decades after that ominous year 1984 passed from his fiction into history? And yes, in case you think that, as in his novel 1984, published in 1949, a year before his death and just as the Cold War […]
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Climate Crisis
As COP 29 convenes, Human-Caused Climate Change Menaces the Middle East Across Borders
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The European Centre for Development Policy Management has issued a new report on the threats of human-caused climate change to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, concentrating on cross-border dangers that affect more than one country. Heat and drought would rank high on this list. The Middle East […]
Warped Government Priorities make Climate Disasters Worse
When we fund wars and fossil fuel subsidies instead of green jobs and disaster recovery, we punish those who can least afford it. ( Otherwords.org ) – This year’s hurricane season has been devastating. Hurricane Helene left a trail of wreckage across the Southeast and Appalachia, where over 230 people have died so far. Barely […]
Extreme Weather has already cost Vulnerable Island Nations $141 Billion
Emily Wilkinson, ODI Global; Ilan Noy, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington; Matt Bishop, University of Sheffield, and Vikrant Panwar, ODI Global (The Conversation) – Two years ago, when the curtain fell on the COP27 summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, developing nations on the frontline of climate change had something meaningful to […]
Newly Elected Trump is Threatening to turn back the Tide on America’s environmental Laws and reverse Climate Progress
By Stephen Lezak, University of Oxford and Barbara Haya, University of California, Berkeley | – The Cuyahoga River, which runs through downtown Cleveland, Ohio, used to catch fire every decade or so. It started in the 1860s, when the river became choked with industrial waste, and the conflagrations continued all the way until the 1960s […]
Valencia Floods: Our warming Climate is making once-rare Weather more Common, and more Destructive
By Antonio Ruiz de Elvira Serra, Universidad de Alcalá | – (The Conversation) – In the last few days, a seasonal weather system known in Spain as the “cold drop” or DANA (an acronym of depresión aislada en niveles altos: isolated depression at high levels) has caused heavy rain and flooding across Spain’s Mediterranean coast […]
Trump would be an “Extinction-Level Event” for the Planet, Turbocharging Climate Change. Vote Accordingly.
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – UC Berkeley scholars warn that “with plans to expand the production of fossil fuels, curtail environmental regulations, dismantle key climate monitoring agencies and even undermine the Endangered Species Act, there is no question that Project 2025 would be disastrous for the climate.” Project 2025, despite his dishonest denials, is Trump’s […]
How Dangerous anti-Protest Laws can Silence the Climate Movement
( ) – In August, climate activist and cellist John Mark Rozendaal was arrested and charged with criminal contempt for playing a few minutes of Bach outside Citibank’s headquarters in New York City. Rozendaal, 63, was prominent in the “Summer of Heat on Wall Street” campaign that targeted Citibank for its prolific financing of fossil-fuel […]
Climate Change and the Missing War on Poverty
( Tomdispatch.com) – It was William Shakespeare who, in Troilus and Cressida, wrote, “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” And yet, in the polarized news cycle since Hurricane Helene ravaged the southeastern United States and the hurricanes have kept coming, we’ve heard a tale not of shared humanity, but of ruin, discord, […]