By Kerstine Appunn | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – More areas in Germany are going to be designated to onshore wind energy, with state governments ways of interfering being limited by new federal rules. German states will have to actively look for areas that can be designated for wind farm construction in order […]
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Climate Crisis
Now the Climate Emergency is changing Ocean Waves, Menacing Coasts with Rapid Erosion
By Thomas Mortlock, Macquarie University; Adrean Webb, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Itxaso Odériz, Universidad de Cantabria; Nobuhito Mori, Kyoto University; Rodolfo Silva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and Tomoya Shimura | – The world’s coastlines are at the forefront of climate change. That’s because they’re constantly changing, and respond quickly to changes in climate. […]
What we can Learn from Bolivia’s Struggle for Free Water: Review of Maude Barlow, “Still Hopeful After All These Years”
Review of Maude Barlow, Still Hopeful: Lessons from a Lifetime of Activism. ECW Press, 2022. When I was teaching Political Science, some of the most memorable events were the teleconferences that Noam Chomsky did with my students. During a discussion of international trade treaties, Noam singled out the work of Maude Barlow, then Chairperson of […]
This Week’s Climate Disasters in the US are Giving us a Glimpse of our Future if we don’t Stop CO2
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – We’re only midweek, but we have already seen serial disasters across the United States that have been exacerbated by the climate emergency, caused by human beings burning coal, methane gas and petroleum. So writes Mihai Andrei at ZME Science. I put it to you that this first paragraph at the […]
California Milestone: State for First Time briefly Generates 103% of its Electricity from Renewables
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On one day in May, Lauren Sommer at NPR reported, California ran for several hours on 103% renewable electricity, which means it generated enough electricity from wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and battery to fulfill the entire needs of the state plus to be able to export a bit to neighboring […]
Lessons in Activism: How Australia’s expanding environmental Movement is breaking the Climate Action Deadlock in Politics
By Robyn Gulliver, The University of Queensland | – The federal election saw voters’ growing concern about Australia’s laggardly response to climate change finally addressed, with teal independents garnering seats in Liberal heartland and record votes for Greens candidates. But what caused this seismic shift in Australia’s political landscape? And why now? We believe the […]
German Economy & Climate Minister’s visit to Israel & Palestine focused on Renewable Tech not just Replacing Russian Natural Gas
By Kerstine Appunn | – Germany’s economy and climate minister has arrived in Israel for talks about bilateral energy cooperation, with a focus on developing renewable energies rather than short-term deliveries of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to replace shipments from Russia, German public broadcasters ZDF and ARD reported. Israel has large natural gas reserves but […]
Biden just declared Heat Pumps and Solar Panels essential to National Defense – here’s why and the Challenges Ahead
By Daniel Cohan, Rice University | – Solar panels, heat pumps and hydrogen are all building blocks of a clean energy economy. But are they truly “essential to the national defense”? President Joe Biden proclaimed that they are in early June when he authorized using the Defense Production Act to ramp up their production in […]
European Parliament bans New Gasoline Cars in 13 Years for 449 Million People, to fight Climate Emergency and Russia
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Margaux Otter at L’Obs reports that on Wednesday, the European Parliament voted to ban the sale of new internal combustion engine (ICE) automobiles by 2035, only thirteen years from now. It is an epochal vote that aims at completely re-configuring the automobile industry in the 27-member European Union, with its […]