Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A new multi-author study in Nature finds that the world’s 200,000 glaciers are melting at an increasingly alarming rate. If all of them melted, it would raise sea level by over a foot, a disaster for coastal communities around the world. And it isn’t just a matter of coasts — […]
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Ice Melt
The Greenland Ice Sheet is falling Apart – New Study
By Tom Chudley, Durham University Observing Greenland from a helicopter, the main problem is one of comprehending scale. I have thought we were skimming low over the waves of a fjord, before noticing the tiny shadow of a seabird far below and realising what I suspected were floating shards of ice were in fact icebergs […]
The Alarming Findings of AI Model that analysed Millions of Images of retreating Glaciers
By Tian Li, University of Bristol; Jonathan Bamber, University of Bristol, and Konrad Heidler, Technical University of Munich (The Conversation) – The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the global average since 1979. Svalbard, an archipelago near the northeast coast of Greenland, is at the frontline of this climate change, warming up to […]
Why we need to Transform the Arctic Ocean into a North Pole Marine Reserve
(The Conversation) – Kirsten Freja Young, University of Exeter and Brendan Godley, University of Exeter At the most northerly tip of the UK, looking north from the island of Muckle Flugga, Shetland, the cold wind whips up the sea and gannets dive. While biodiversity loss in the Arctic Ocean may seem like a distant issue, […]
Meltwater from Greenland and the Arctic is weakening Ocean Circulation, speeding up Warming down South
By Laurie Menviel, UNSW Sydney and Gabriel Pontes, UNSW Sydney (The Conversation) – A vast network of ocean currents nicknamed the “great global ocean conveyor belt” is slowing down. That’s a problem because this vital system redistributes heat around the world, influencing both temperatures and rainfall. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation funnels heat northwards through […]
Global Heating: Alaska’s Top-Heavy Glaciers are Melting, approaching an Irreversible Tipping Point
By Bethan Davies, Newcastle University | – (The Conversation) – The melting of one of North America’s largest icefields has accelerated and could soon reach an irreversible tipping point. That’s the conclusion of new research colleagues and I have published on the Juneau Icefield, which straddles the Alaska-Canada border near the Alaskan capital of Juneau. […]
New Islands are being built at Sea – But they won’t Help Millions made Homeless by sea-level Rise
By Alastair Bonnett, Newcastle University | Dubai’s famous Palm Jumeirah is not the only man-made island to have emerged from the sea this century. Over the past 20 years, many islands have been built to accommodate both tourists and well-heeled residents – especially in the Arabian Gulf states and China. In an era of sea-level […]
Climate Crisis: Record Low 3% Great Lakes Ice Coverage during Usual Peak Period
By: Kyle Davidson – As much of the Great Lakes region experiences its warmest winter on record, and more record high temperatures are expected in Michigan, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has reported record low levels of ice coverage on the Great Lakes, amid a steady, decades-long decrease in coverage. Lake Michigan in […]
A Single Antarctic heatwave or storm can Noticeably Raise the Sea Level
By Edward Hanna