By Alun Hubbard, University of Tromsø | – I’m standing at the edge of the Greenland ice sheet, mesmerized by a mind-blowing scene of natural destruction. A milewide section of glacier front has fractured and is collapsing into the ocean, calving an immense iceberg. Seracs, giant columns of ice the height of three-story houses, are […]
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Ice Melt
The World’s biggest Ice Sheet is more vulnerable to Global Warming than Scientists previously Thought
By Chris Stokes, Durham University and Guy Paxman, Durham University | – The eastern two thirds of Antarctica is covered by an ice sheet so large that if it melted the sea would rise by 52 metres [~yards]. Most scientists had once thought this ice sheet was largely invulnerable to climate change, but not any […]
Arctic is warming nearly four Times faster than the rest of the World – New Research
By Jonathan Bamber, University of Bristol | – The Earth is approximately 1.1℃ warmer than it was at the start of the industrial revolution. That warming has not been uniform, with some regions warming at a far greater pace. One such region is the Arctic. A new study shows that the Arctic has warmed nearly […]
Warm Waters, Winds head for East Antarctica, threatening eventual Massive Sea Level Rise
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I attended an academic conference once in Melbourne, Australia. I was strictly instructed to pronounce it mel-bun, and have complied. Australia is really far away from the Detroit area. I asked someone about the beaches to the south of the city, and what body of water they were on. Oh, […]
The Arctic is warming Four Times faster than the Global Average
By Daniel T Cross | – ( Sustainability Times ) – Climate change is upon us, but not all regions of the world are experiencing it at the same rate. Polar regions have especially been affected by warming temperatures and a new analysis of temperature rises in the Arctic shows just how much. An international […]
Greenland loses 6 Billion Tons of Ice in Three Days, harbinger of Unprecedented Coastal Flooding
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – CNN and The Independent reported this week on a massive ice melt in Greenland, with on the order of 6 billion tons of ice lost in three days. The melting was because of a heat wave at the top of the world, caused by our burning coal, gasoline and methane […]
The Supreme Court has curtailed EPA’s power to regulate Carbon Pollution – and sent a Warning to other Regulators
By Patrick Parenteau, Vermont Law School | – In a highly anticipated but not unexpected 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled on June 30, 2022, that the Obama adminstration’s Clean Power Plan exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act. The ruling doesn’t take away the EPA’s power to regulate carbon […]
Now the Climate Emergency is changing Ocean Waves, Menacing Coasts with Rapid Erosion
By Thomas Mortlock, Macquarie University; Adrean Webb, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Itxaso Odériz, Universidad de Cantabria; Nobuhito Mori, Kyoto University; Rodolfo Silva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and Tomoya Shimura | – The world’s coastlines are at the forefront of climate change. That’s because they’re constantly changing, and respond quickly to changes in climate. […]
Ice world: Antarctica’s riskiest glacier is under assault from below and losing its grip
By Ted Scambos, University of Colorado Boulder | – Flying over Antarctica, it’s hard to see what all the fuss is about. Like a gigantic wedding cake, the frosting of snow on top of the world’s largest ice sheet looks smooth and unblemished, beautiful and perfectly white. Little swirls of snow dunes cover the surface. […]