By Jill Richardson ( ) – The recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow was the 26th attempt to get the nations of the world to fix the climate crisis. During the summit, the Washington Post reported that countries have been under-reporting their emissions, so the negotiations are based on “flawed data.” We’ve known about […]
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Startling Transformation: California has 1 mn. EVs on road, as they become state’s No. 1 Export
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – On, Monday, Juliet Eilperin, the environment editor at the Washington Post hosted a live event that included the Energy Commissioner of California, David Hochschild. Hochschild pointed out that electric cars are now California’s number one export. The state exports $156 billion of goods abroad annually, and is second only to […]
North America needs to invest in Green Energy in Indo-Pacific or Risk losing key Industry to China
By Jonas Goldman | – The Indo-Pacific region, which includes 24 nations and stretches from Australia to Japan and from India to the U.S. west coast, is home to both the largest concentration of humanity and the greatest source of global emissions. In 2020, the region produced 16.75 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the […]
Soon Electric Cars will Power millions of Homes — Here’s how to make it Happen
By Tom Stacey and Ying Xie | – Electric cars could help to power millions of households in the coming years, simply by harnessing their battery power. The electricity in the vehicle’s battery could be plugged back into the grid, instead of being stored. The technique was pioneered in Japan and our research will help […]
Climate Emergency: This Southwestern US City has had to Create an Office of Heat Response and Mitigation
By Shane Purcell | – ( Cronkite News) – PHOENIX – David Hondula recently got a job he never dreamed of – maybe because it never existed before. He’s the director of the city’s Office of Heat Response & Mitigation, which is touted as the first publicly funded municipal office of its kind. Hondula, who […]
Extreme Heat causes Heart Attacks, Miscarriages, Malnutrition, requiring Urgent steps to Curb CO2
By Abdu Mohiddin, Christopher Jack, Evans Kituyi, Kristie Ebi, Matthew Chersich, and Stanley Luchters | – The African continent is heating up more, and faster, than other regions in the world according to the recently released State of Climate in Africa Report. By 2030, the report says up to 118 million extremely poor people will […]
As Climate Emergency Worsens, Freak Lightning Storm sends Snow, Scorpion Plague on Egypt’s Aswan
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – How freakish and biblical our climate emergency could become was illustrated this week in the Upper Egyptian city of Aswan, which was struck in November by rolling lightning storms, downpours, snow and a plague of scorpions. High winds blew the deadly Egyptian black, fat-tailed scorpions from the surrounding desert into […]
To Tackle Climate Change, Hold Fossil Fuel Conglomerates Accountable
By Samantha Garcia | – ( – Since the Industrial Revolution, the United States has single-handedly accounted for a quarter of all CO2 emissions produced. As Congress negotiates the details of a historic budget reconciliation package, lawmakers have an opportunity to reverse course, but large fossil fuel corporations are conspiring with politicians through corporate […]
Top 5 Things you need to Know about the Glasgow Climate Pact
By Simon Lewis and Mark Maslin | – The COP26 UN climate talks in Glasgow have finished and the gavel has come down on the Glasgow Climate Pact agreed by all 197 countries. If the 2015 Paris Agreement provided the framework for countries to tackle climate change then Glasgow, six years on, was the first […]