By Abrahm Lustgarten | ( ProPublica) | – PG&E’s rolling blackouts probably don’t eliminate fire risk, and they actually could make responding to fires harder. What they largely do is shift responsibility away from the company. At the beginning of October, my kids’ preschool informed me that it might be closed the next day because […]
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The New Age of Protest
(Foreign Policy in Focus) – People are hitting the streets to protest government inaction, repression, and corruption. Does that mean democracy is in trouble or stronger than ever? By John Feffer, October 2, 2019. Print School strike for climate in Melbourne (Julian Meehan via Flickr) Led by young people, climate strikers blocked traffic on two […]
A Trumpian Future for our Kids: A Hot, Sweltering 1984
By Frida Berrigan | – ( ) – Okay, I’ll admit it. Sometimes I can’t take the bad news. It’s too much. It’s so extra, as the kids like to say. When I hit that wall of hopelessness and anxiety so many of us have become familiar with, I take what I think of […]
Not done Destroying Earth, Germany’s Far Right to Make anti-Climate Activism Major Plank in Campaign
By Julian Wettengel | – (Clean Energy Wire) – Germany’s right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) has made its critique of policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to protect the global climate a major issue in its political strategy. “After the euro and immigration, criticism of the so-called climate action policy is the third major […]
What the Dinosaurs Teach us: Earth won’t Recover from Human-Caused Mass Extinction for 2 mn Years
By Paul Bown, Samantha Gibbs, and Sarah Alvarez | – Around 66 million years ago, a giant asteroid struck the Earth, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, ammonites, and many other species. The asteroid was equally devastating at a microscopic level, driving ocean plankton to near-extinction. This crippled the base of the marine food chain […]
Make America Greta Again
By Tom Engelhardt | – ( – Look what Greta started and what she did to me! I took part in the recent climate-strike march in New York City — one of a quarter-million people (or maybe 60,000) who turned out there, along with four million others across all seven continents. Then I came home […]
World’s Largest offshore Windfarm to power 1 mn British Homes & other Good Climate News
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Hanna Ziady at CNN Business reports that just next year, in 2020, the world’s largest offshore wind farm will open 75 miles off the eastern, Yorkshire coast of Britain. Hornsea I alone will power 1 million homes. Britain, with a population of 66 million, has 27 million households. It has […]
As humans burn fossil fuels, global sea level is rising 2x the rate of the 20th century
By Cassandra Brooks | – The U.N.‘s climate panel report released Sept. 25 makes crystal clear that the planet’s oceans, snow and ice are in dire trouble and the damage is causing harm to the people who depend on them. Even with aggressive efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions, many nations will struggle to adapt. […]
What exactly Happens to Us if we make the Average World Temperature go up by 2.7° F., or (Oh No!) 3.6° F.?
By Rachel Warren | – Many numbers are bandied around in climate emergency discussions. Of them, 1.5°C [2.7° F.] is perhaps the most important. At the Paris Agreement in 2015, governments agreed to limit global warming to well below 2°C [3.6° F.] and to aim for 1.5°C. By 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change […]