By Atika Rehman | (The Third Pole) | – As students and climate activists get ready to march for the climate in Pakistan, Atika Rehman finds out why Pakistanis find it impossible to ignore climate change impacts any longer University students in Karachi [image courtesy: FridaysForFuture Pakistan] Does the Pakistani public care about the climate […]
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The Greatest Crime of All: Climate Emergency and Inter-Generational Genocide
( – Worlds end. Every day. We all die sooner or later. When you get to my age, it’s a subject that can’t help but be on your mind. What’s unusual is this: it’s not just increasingly ancient folks like me who should be thinking such thoughts anymore. After all, worlds of a far larger […]
Why Carbon Dioxide has such a Dangerous influence on Earth’s Climate
By Jason West | – Climate Explained is a collaboration between The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre to answer your questions about climate change. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, please send it to I heard that carbon dioxide makes up 0.04% of the world’s […]
China is positioned to lead on climate change as the US rolls back its policies
By Kelly Sims Gallagher and Fang Zhang | – As the effects of climate change become more widespread and alarming, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has called on nations to step up their plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Every country has a part to play, but if the world’s largest emitters fail to meet their […]
Trump v. Climate Emergency: A Formula for Catastrophe in the Arctic
By Michael T. Klare | – Donald Trump got the headlines as usual — but don’t be fooled. It wasn’t Trumpism in action this August, but what we should all now start referring to as the Pompeo Doctrine. Yes, I’m referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and, when it comes to the Arctic region, […]
Just Do It! Debating How Much Time We Have to Avert Climate Disaster is a Waste of Time
By Arn Menconi | Special to Consortium News | – The UN’s warnings are dire, but they are still likely overestimating the time we have to act, writes Arn Menconi. Megafires in Canada’s Northwest Territories in 2014 scorched more than 7 million acres of forest, releasing half as much carbon back into the atmosphere as […]
China’s Struggle for Green Electricity
By Feng Hao | – ( ChinaDialogue ) – Using electricity for everything will help lay the groundwork for lowering carbon emissions, but it won’t be easy As the world belatedly sets about reducing carbon emissions, the struggle between coal power and renewables for the future of China’s electricity system has garnered a lot of […]
The Politics of the Local Weather Broadcast: Call your Station and Demand News of Climate Crisis
(Informed Comment) – Many of us rely on daily reports, often presented by local TV weatherpersons, to get through our daily routines. How do I dress, do I need to take an umbrella to work, must I come home early to avoid the snowstorm? These professionals have a difficult job. Their predictions are generally correct […]
How climate change is driving emigration from Central America
By Miranda Cady Hallett | – Clouds of dust rose behind the wheels of the pickup truck as we hurtled over the back road in Palo Verde, El Salvador. When we got to the stone-paved part of the road, the driver slowed as the truck heaved up and down with the uneven terrain. Riding in […]