By Ian Enochs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | – The water off South Florida is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 Celsius) in mid-July, and scientists are already seeing signs of coral bleaching off Central and South America. Particularly concerning is how early in the summer we are seeing these high ocean temperatures. If the […]
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Game Over? Even BP and TotalEnergies are Shelling out $14.7 Bn. for Right to Build Baltic Sea Wind Farms
By Sören Amelang | – ( Clean Energy Wire ) – Oil majors BP and TotalEnergies pledged to pay a combined 12.6 billion euros [$14.7 bn.] for the right to build wind farms in the North and Baltic seas in the world’s largest ever offshore wind auction. Environmentalists hailed the result as a “quantum leap” […]
Climate Change is Increasing Stress on Thousands of Aging Dams across the US
By Hiba Baroud, Vanderbilt University | – Heavy rainfall in the Northeast on June 9-11, 2023, generated widespread flooding, particularly in New York’s Hudson Valley and in Vermont. One major concern was the Wrightsville Dam, built in 1935 on the Winooski River north of Vermont’s capital city, Montpelier. The reservoir behind the dam rose to […]
Roots of Iraq’s Water Crisis: Upriver Dams along with Climate Change
Response of McGuire Gibson, Professor Emeritus of Mesopotamian Architecture , University of Chicago, to Iraq’s Climate Crisis: America’s War for Oil and the Great Mesopotamian Dustbowl Juan: In your devastating post about Iraq’s drought, you could have given more attention to the crucial role of Turkey in flouting international law and damaging Iraq (and Syria) […]
The Radiance of a Thousand Suns: Can we dodge Two Torrid Disasters of our own Making?
( ) – In case you hadn’t noticed — and how could you not? — there have been more than 500 (yes, 500-plus!) wildfires burning across the vast reaches of Canada, an unheard-of number, and more than half of them completely out of (human) control in a record-shattering fire season. That’s been true for […]
What it means that El Niño is coming on Top of a long-term Trend of Human-driven Global Heating
By David Armstrong McKay, Stockholm University | – (The Conversation) – The UN World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has confirmed it: El Niño conditions have arrived and are expected to become moderate to strong as they develop over the coming year. El Niño is the hot phase of a natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate system […]
Will China Leapfrog America in the Middle East Using its Green Technology and EVs?
Over the past decade, since Xi Jinping became the General-Secretary of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2012, he has accelerated China’s return to political prominence. In turn, China’s ambitious global programme of economic, diplomatic and political expansion has pushed the world back towards a state of multipolarity. As well as developing China’s domestic […]
We don’t Need to let Fossil Fuels and Forest Fires Choke Us — Green Energy is Here and its Price is Plummeting
Dr. Joel Charles ( Wisconsin Examiner ) – Every day last week I woke up dismayed to see the haze from the Canadian wildfire smoke. I am dismayed because as a rural family doctor I know how damaging this smoke is to my community. I am dismayed not just at the harm this summer’s smoke […]
Iraq’s Climate Crisis: America’s War for Oil and the Great Mesopotamian Dustbowl
( ) – It was one of the fabled rivers of history and the Marines needed to cross it. In early April 2003, as American forces sought to wrap up their conquest of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and take strongholds to its north, the Marine Corps formed “Task Force Tripoli.” It was commanded by […]