Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In the Book of Revelation by John of Patmos, seven seals are described, and when the first four are broken, four horsemen emerge, Conquest, War, Famine and Death. It turns out that our latter-day apocalypse will be driven by 15 tipping points affecting the earth’s climate. The sooner humanity stops […]
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Climate Emergency Caused our Scorching Summer, but Inequality meant it hit Workers Hardest
( ) – The heat. Never been hotter in our lifetimes. This past spring the mercury nearly hit 124 in the Pakistani city of Jacobabad, “just below,” notes science writer David Wallace-Wells, “the conventional estimate for the threshold of human survival.” This summer’s U.S. daily high temperatures are continuing our torrid global pace. America’s […]
Climate Emergency’s Knock-on Effects: How Europe’s Drought is making Britain’s energy Crisis worse
Simon Waldman, University of Hull | – (The Conversation) – Along the River Elbe, in Germany and the Czech Republic, is a series of rocks that are submerged in all but the lowest water conditions. The locals call them “hunger stones” because they are warnings: if the stone is visible, then famine will follow. Carvings […]
Germany’s Economy and Climate Ministry to tender 1.5 Gigs of new Solar, and Unleash Rooftop Solar Potential
By Benjamin Wehrmann | – Tagesspiegel Background ( Clean Energy Wire) Germany’s government plans to rapidly accelerate the expansion of solar power capacity in the country with several legal changes, energy policy newsletter Tagesspiegel Background reports. A proposal by the economy and climate ministry (BMWK) of Green minister Robert Habeck includes so-called “special crisis tenders” […]
Will Charles III be the first Eco-King? Vocal Proponent of Green Energy and Battler of Big Carbon takes the Throne
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The new king of England, despite being a booster of green energy and a foe of the climate emergency is not in a position to set government policy on climate issues. Unfortunately, that is the prerogative of new Prime Minister Liz Truss, a Tory close to Big Carbon who just […]
Heat pumps can cut your energy costs by up to 90%. It’s not magic, just a smart use of the laws of physics
By Alan Pears, RMIT University | – (The Conversation) – Heat pumps are becoming all the rage around a world that has to slash carbon emissions rapidly while cutting energy costs. In buildings, they replace space heating and water heating – and provide cooling as a bonus. A heat pump extracts heat from outside, concentrates […]
What’s worse than a Slow-Moving Doomsday Glacier like Thwaites? A Raptor Glacier Sprinting for the Ocean!
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – As regular readers know, I’m fascinated by glaciers. Growing up in France, I had the opportunity at one point to learn to ski in the Swiss Alps. The US army does not consistently supply a jet set lifestyle to dependents of non-commissioned officers, to say the least, but sometimes you […]
As Colorado River Dries Up, the U.S. Teeters on the Brink of Larger Water Crisis
By Abrahm Lustgarten | – ( ProPublica) – The western United States is, famously, in the grips of its worst megadrought in a millennium. The Colorado River, which supplies water to more than 40 million Americans and supports food production for the rest of the country, is in imminent peril. The levels in the nation’s […]
Community Groups and Activists pivot to Mutual Aid amid ongoing Water Crisis in Jackson, Mississippi
By Sara Herschander | – ( Waging Nonviolence ) – After major flooding last week and years of infrastructural neglect, 150,000 residents of Jackson, Mississippi have been left without safe drinking water, leaving community groups scrambling to address the crisis. “We’re always on alert, and we’re always in the community,” said Efren Nuñez, an organizer […]