Radwan Zyada | – (Middle East Monitor) – Russian President Putin made a surprise visit to Damascus [on January 7], during which he met Bashar Al-Assad, not at the Rawda Palace or the People’s Palace, where the latter customarily receives his guests, but rather at the headquarters of the Russian forces in Damascus. This is […]
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Eastern Europe
The Great Turko-Russian World War for the Middle East: From Syria’s Idlib to Libya’s Tripoli
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The campaign to retake parts of Idlib province in northwest Syria by the Russian Aeronspace Forces and the Damascus government of Bashar al-Assad picked back up on Saturday. Two days of cloudy, foggy weather had grounded the Russian Su-24 jet bombers, but yesterday saw clear skies. The Syrian Arab Army […]
An Illustrated Guide to the Impeachment of Donald Trump
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In a nearby place and very recently, Donald J. Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Rick Perry, Mick Mulvaney and Mike Pompeo among others hatched a plot against Joe Biden, whom they fingered as the likely Democratic standard bearer in 2020. The plot was to make sure Biden was smeared as a corrupt […]
Tucker “Kremlin” Carlson Comes out for Putin
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Fox white nationalist pundit Tucker Carlson asked last night what is so bad about Putin. Kremlin Carlson had provoked a firestorm the previous week when he said that he took Russia’s side against Ukraine in the current low-intensity war between the two. When criticized, he said he was joking. Russia […]
In Search of Mideast Empire? Why is Russia Cozying up to Hamas?
By Adnan Abu Amer | @adnanabuamer1 | – Hamas and Russia have in recent months have shared a remarkable series of official visits and telephone calls, which led observers to conclude that the two sides are strengthening their relations. Russia’s rapprochement with Hamas shows the latter’s need for Moscow, being a major capital in the […]
Russian Troops Triumphantly take over US Bases in Syria, Show off Social Media Skills
By Milan Czerny | – (GlobalVoices.org ) – For Russian soldiers, posting from the battleground was strictly forbidden. Then all of a sudden, it wasn’t “Yesterday they were here, today it’s us.” On October 15, the Russian conflict journalist Oleg Blokhin published several videos on social media of himself visiting the former US military base […]
No, Russia isn’t taking over the Middle East from the US
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – There has been a lot of talk of Russian reassertion in the Middle East and angst (except in Donald Trump) about a deterioration of the US position there. Neither of these propositions, of a Russian assertion or a US decline, is supported by much evidence. And a US disengagement from […]
Fitting: Trump will be Impeached for Chasing a Fantastical Conspiracy Theory about Ukraine
(Foreign Policy in Focus) – When it comes to Ukraine, Trump has been manipulated as deftly as a mindless marionette. It’s going to cost him. In fantasy sports, participants draft their own dream teams out of the rosters of existing players. That’s what Donald Trump has done with Ukraine. He and his advisors have created […]
The Ukraine Whistleblowers and the Question of Partisanship
By Hannah Gurman and Kaeten Mistry | – ( Foreign Policy in Focus) – This moment should spark a conversation about the place of national security whistleblowing in a democratic society. “We must determine the whistleblower’s identity,” tweeted Donald Trump, who has become obsessed with finding and punishing the individual(s) that blew the whistle on […]