Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In Iran since the presidency of Hassan Rouhani (2013-2021), the ruling elite has debated whether a grand bargain with the United States is possible. Those who believe that the US is not an honest or reliable partner for any deal-making are taking some delight in Trump’s humiliating treatment of Ukrainian […]
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The West has Long Demanded of Palestinians what Trump Demanded of Ukraine — and More
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – David Smith of The Guardian reminds us that Trump is a fan of World Wrestling Federation matches, in attempting to explain the sad spectacle at the White House on Friday. Trump is demanding that Volodymyr Zelenskiyy, the president of Ukraine, “make peace” with Russia, accusing him of risking plunging the […]
Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan: What is a War Crime?
By Hurst Hannum, Tufts University (The Conversation) – What are war crimes and when did they start? – Artie, 12, Queens, New York I imagine you’re asking about “war crimes” because you’ve heard that term mentioned lately in news about the conflicts underway in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan. The idea may sound confusing, because war […]
The West must end its Two-Tier Approach to Protection of Civilians in Gaza and Ukraine
Published in: The New Arab Yasmine Ahmed Director, United Kingdom YasmineAhmed001 ( Human Rights Watch ) – Britain’s response to the attack, delivered by Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council meeting in Kyiv was unequivocal: the attack was a display of “cowardly depravity,” and Russia’s actions constituted “barbaric acts of violence.” Attacks directed at […]
NATO must rethink Expansion Plans, step back from Precipice of Nuclear Confrontation with Russia
Auburn, Alabama (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – There’s a history to the war between Russia and the West going back to the Cold War and the unification between East and West Germany. Thomas Friedman once asked George Kennan, (the architect of the US Cold War strategy on containment), what he thought about NATO expansion, […]
Israel, Russia and International Law
By Lawrence S. Wittner | ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) – International law―the recognized rules of behavior among nations based on customary practices and treaties, among them the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights―has been agreed upon by large and small nations alike. To implement this law, the nations of […]
Gaza and Ukraine Wars Causing Massive Pollution, Environmental Damage
By Richard Marcantonio, University of Notre Dame and Josefina Echavarria Alvarez, University of Notre Dame | – (The Conversation) – As wars grind on in Ukraine and Gaza, another location ravaged by conflict is taking steps to implement a historic peace agreement. From the mid-1960s through 2016, Colombia was torn by conflict between the government, […]
Ukraine, Israel, and the Incoherence of U.S. Foreign Policy
( Foreign Policy in Focus ) – The process of crafting congressional legislation is often likened to sausage-making. Best not to look behind the scenes at the mechanics of the process, which is a bloody mess. But the analogy is not apt. Sure, sausage-making can be ugly. The end product, however, is presentable and usually […]
The Most Dangerous Wars: When Local Conflicts become Geopolitics
By Walden Bello ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) – The three major wars or conflicts that are ongoing today demonstrate the volatility of the intersection between the local and the global. In the Hamas-Israeli conflict, we see how the maintenance of the Israeli settler-colonial state is intertwined with the preservation of the global hegemony […]