By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – You can’t take him anywhere. And, he is leaving a trail of US diplomatic catastrophes even with close allies. In the aftermath of massive and almost unanimous British outrage at Trump’s retweets of anti-Muslim hate videos (one phony and two irrelevant to Muslims in general) posted […]
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British Royal Family was already Multicultural, Descended from Muhammad
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The announcement that Prince Harry is set to marry American actress Meghan Markle provoked a flurry of articles about the British royal family becoming multicultural. The Washington Post actually has a headline about Britain’s “black queen.” (The peculiar American ‘one drop rule’ makes anyone with any […]
Could Africa skip Pipelines straight to Solar Panels?
By Benjamin Fox | | – – Nearly €340 ($403) billion of investment will be needed to achieve universal access to electricity across Africa by 2030, the World Energy Network forecasts. That is a tall order. The combined grid capacity of the 48 sub-Saharan African countries is around 70 gigawatts, roughly equivalent to that […]
Former CIA Dir.: Trump is afraid of Putin Kompromat
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Two former intelligence officials on Sunday more or less said openly that Trump is compromised by Russia. Jake Tapper asked former CIA head John Brennan about Trump’s statement on Friday that he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin when he said that Russia did not interfere in […]
Le Pen Stripped of Immunity for Tweeting Gruesome IS Images
TeleSur | – – Circulating “violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity” is a crime punishable in France by up to three years’ imprisonment. France’s National Assembly has lifted far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s immunity from prosecution after she posted pictures on Twitter of Islamic State (IS) atrocities. The decision […]
Lebanon Hizbullah leader: Saudis dictated Hariri resignation
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Secretary-General of Hizbullah, the Lebanese party-militia, Hassan Nasrullah, gave a major speech Sunday in the wake of the resignation of prime minister Saad Hariri. Nasrullah characterized this step as a Saudi move dictated to Hariri by Riyadh. Lebanon’s three big religio-ethnic groups are Sunnis, Shiites […]
With 75% fall in flying Insects, Call for pesticide ban
By Samuel White | | – – Scientists have raised the alarm after a study 27 years in the making found the biomass of flying insects in nature protected areas has declined by more than 75% since 1990. The causes of the decline are not fully understood. The decline of Europe’s bee populations has […]
Abbas: British gov’t should recognize Palestine on Balfour centenary
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas released a statement on Thursday, the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, calling on the British government to “apologize to the Palestinian people for the suffering caused as a result of the Balfour Declaration a hundred years ago.” “The second […]
Iran’s Khamenei to Putin: Isolate US by dumping the Dollar
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited Tehran on Wednesday for consultations with President Hassan Rouhani and the country’s clerical leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei is quoted by Tahrir [Liberation] as saying that Russia and Iran could cooperate to isolate the United States and […]