Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Two and a half days into the Biden administration, it is already clear that the Problem of Iran is going to loom large over its foreign policy. There are already hard liners and moderates in the Biden team, just as there are in Iran. The first few Biden appointments, Antony […]
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The first thing we do, let’s kill all the Coal Plants: How Joe Biden can save the Planet
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – My title is from William Shakespeare’s Henry the VI. In the original, Dick “the Butcher” is speaking of ways to overthrow the king and improve the country, and he suggests killing all the lawyers first. Nowadays, carbon dioxide is the thing preventing us from improving the country. President Biden has […]
Trump targeted innocent Muslims with Visa Ban on phony pretext of ‘Terrorism,’ then unleashed real White Terrorism on Capitol
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Muslim visa ban that Trump got through on his third try, and in which the Supreme Court to its everlasting shame acquiesced, is no more. President Biden abolished it with a stroke of his pen on his first day in office. That isn’t enough. Congress needs to legislate explicitly […]
Time for Biden to end the Forever Wars and bring Iran in from the Cold
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Although former president Trump claims to have avoided starting any new wars, he in fact put the US on a war footing in the greater Middle East, and significantly increased the number of US troops in the region. He tried to strangle Iran economically and assassinated one of its foremost […]
“The Horror, the Horror.” An epitaph for Trump’s Nazi Presidency
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In Joseph Conrad’s The Heart of Darkness, the imperial commercial agent Kurtz, who has committed horrible atrocities against Black Congolese for the monetary gain of white Europeans, whispers his dying words to riverboat captain Charles Marlow, “The horror, the horror.” When Marlow arrived at Kurtz’s camp in the jungle, he […]
Israel is increasingly an Apartheid State: What Martin Luther King Jr. Would have thought of that
Revised Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose activism we honor today, took stands far beyond Selma and Montgomery, and called on other capitals than Washington, D.C., to ensure a dignified life for human beings. Dr. King was an early and vigorous opponent of the white South African Apartheid (segregationist) […]
President Biden, you Need to Hear this: Respected Israeli Rights Group B’Tselem declares Israel an Apartheid State
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The respected Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, has declared Israel an Apartheid state. This is a conclusion to which Informed Comment came some years ago. The UN Economic and Social Commission for West Asia came to that conclusion in 2017, but the UN was blackmailed by the odious Trump into […]
America now has its own Green Zone, as Trumpian Fascism erects Racist Red Zone
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – America now has its own Green Zone in downtown Washington, D.C., where the Mall is closed, the city is locked down, and protective fencing has gone up around the Capitol. You only need a Green Zone, a safe small space completely under the control of the government, if the rest […]
In Shadows, SecState Mike Pompeo passed ‘Death Sentence’ for Millions in Yemen and poisoned Biden’s well in Cuba, China, Iran
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who styles himself a Christian gentleman, has according to United Nations officials just passed a death sentence on hundreds of thousands or millions of Yemenis by designating the ruling Helpers of God government of North Yemen a “Foreign Terrorist Organization.” The Saudi-UAE War on little […]