Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Whether driven by moral compass, or political survival; America’s Democratic leaders are finally recognizing the obvious: The continued leadership of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi), is hurting Israel, and fueling global antisemitism. It’s also making the Jewish nation an international pariah. Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s eloquent […]
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S. Africa Will Arrest Dual Nationals Fighting in Gaza, Demands Halt to Starvation of Palestinians
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – South Africa’s Townpress reports that Naledi Pandor, the country’s foreign minister, pledged this week to arrest any South African/ Israeli dual citizen who fought in Gaza. She said at a pro-Palestinian gathering in Pretoria attended by a number of officials from the ruling African National Congress, “I have already issued […]
In First, Rich Nations Cut CO2 4.5% in ’23 but still Grew, as Coal fell to 1900 Levels
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The International Energy Agency issued a report this month that contains a kernel of significant hope for halting the poisoning of the earth by carbon dioxide emissions. The IEA found that emissions from the advanced economies actually fell in 2023, although global emissions increased slightly, by 1.1%. The report says, […]
US Intelligence: Israel’s Netanyahu not Viable, not Moderate and is Provoking Terrorism
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Annual Threat Assessment of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Avril Haines) contains some important information that should be highlighted because it refutes right wing propaganda. Let me just draw attention to some of these points. 1. Here’s an essential one: “We assess that Iranian leaders did […]
QZionism hits Peak Conspiracy Theory with Smears of Oscar-Winning Jonathan Glazer
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The brave and highly ethical Oscar-award-winning director, Jonathan Glazer, has been targeted by the crazies on the Zionist (Israeli-nationalist) right wing, as were all the actors and film people who expressed horror at the genocide in Gaza. Their allegations on social media are so bizarre and crazed that they are […]
Biden owes an Apology to the Volunteers of the Mavi Marmara, the First Aid Flotilla to Gaza
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – President Biden owes an apology to fellow American Furkan Doğan, whom Israeli commandos murdered on May 31, 2010, as he videoed their illegal attack in international waters on the aid ship Mavi Marmara. At the time, Biden justified the massacre. Doğan and other volunteers were trying to bring food and […]
Dune Part Two: The Islamic Dimension
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Journalist and science fiction writer Frank Herbert’s Dune epic has many themes. One is, clearly, environmentalism and the need for humans to adapt to their environment. Another is the struggle between regimented bureaucratic civilization and individualism. Yet another is the temptation to use religion for liberatory purposes. The Denis Villeneuve […]
America’s Red Snow: Hottest Winter on Record, Largest Wildfires in Texas History
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency announced Friday that the winter of 2023-24 was the hottest on record in U.S. history. Global records have been kept since about 1850, with the widespread use of mercury thermometers. The average surface temperature of the US this past winter was 37.6°, which is […]
A Tale of two Femicides: Remembering Victims in Iraq and Italy on Int’l Women’s Day
San Marco, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – In early February 2023 a 22-year-old Iraqi YouTube star, Tiba Al-Ali was strangled by her father in an “honor killing,” part of the quotidian violence the nation has endured over the last two decades. In November 2023 Giulia Cecchettin, a 22-year-old engineering student from the Venice region […]