Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that for the 11th consecutive year, human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases increased at the same rate as has been common for the past decade. In other words, nothing the world has so far done has caused the rate […]
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Trump’s Arraignment was Unprecedented, but so is the Enormity of his Crimes against America
Chicago (Feature; Special to Informed Comment) – Adding another humiliating chapter to his despicable life, the twice-impeached former President becomes the first ex-president to face criminal charges. Responding to the indictment, Trump said, “Never before in our nation’s history has this been done.” He’s right, never before in our nation’s history have we had a […]
World’s Most Dangerous Flashpoint: Israeli Forces Repeatedly Invade Sacred al-Aqsa Mosque, Beat, Expel Worshipers, on behalf of Jewish Extremists
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that both on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, Israeli security forces invaded the al-Aqsa Mosque complex, the third holiest shrine in the Muslim world and expelled Palestinians who had been conducting an all-night retreat (i`tikaf) there for the holy fasting month of Ramadan. Video emerged […]
5 Other Modern Presidents who Should have been Indicted for their Crimes
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Seeing Trump arraigned in New York on Tuesday was satisfying even if the outcome of the trial cannot be foreseen and he has a presumption of innocence. There is obviously evidence that he falsified his business records for the purpose of hiding material facts from the American people in October […]
US Joins Civilized World: Trump’s Arraignment for Electoral Corruption is just like former French President Sarkozy’s
Revised. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump’s arraignment today has been widely denounced by the US Right as politically motivated and unprecedented. But high officers of the US government, including former vice presidents Aaron Burr and Spiro Agnew, have had to be arraigned before judges. Moreover, in other countries, such as Israel, Germany, France and […]
Many Civil Wars: The Extremist Israeli Gov’t has Roiled Relations with Biden and US Jews and Highlighted the Occupation of Palestine
Oakland, Ca. (Feature: Special to Informed Comment) | – Some 450,000 Israeli protesters massed again this weekend against Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s efforts to disempower the Israeli judiciary, so he can pick the judges for his own corruption trials, declining to be mollified by his promises to find a compromise. Netanyahu’s attack on the […]
Scotland’s Renewables soar by 28%, as new Muslim Leader pledges Net Zero and Just Climate Transition
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Neil Pooran and Peter A Walker at Business Insider report that 28% more renewable electricity was generated in Scotland in 2022 than in the previous year. The impressive increase was largely driven by onshore wind farms. Scotland’s green energy generation capacity is expected to soar further as big offshore wind […]
No, Trump’s Arrest won’t be Unprecedented for an Executive Officer: Former Vice President Aaron Burr was Arrested and Tried
Revised. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The United States does not have much of a history of holding its high office-holders to account. No former president or vice president has been convicted of crimes committed while in office. It is not true, however, as some commentators are now implying, that it is unprecedented for a […]
Trump and the Triviality of Evil
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A New York Grand Jury empaneled by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has indicted the former president, Donald John Trump. So report Ilya Marritz, Andrea Bernstein, Bill Chappell and Vanessa Romo at NPR. I gave all three of Trump’s names because that is usually how felons are referred to in […]