Gainesville, Florida (Special to Informed Comment) – By essentially rejecting the provisions of the U.S.Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, a very well designed 1963 Kennedy era program entitled, “Action for Mental Health” and other attempts to trim mental health budgets and services, many states and localities have opted to spend the same dollars […]
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Happy Birthday, Medicare: You showed that public, universal health insurance is superior to private insurance in every way
Gainesville, Florida (Special to Informed Comment) – 56 years ago Congress enacted Medicare to provide health insurance for people ages 65 and older and the disabled regardless of income or medical history. Since 1965, Medicare has become living proof that public, universal health insurance is superior to private insurance in every way. Medicare is more […]
Anti-Vaxxer Trumpian Pols are Killing their own Constituents for Profit — and Endangering us All
Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment) – Tennessee Governor Bill Lee is killing his constituents by pandering to Donald Trump. He’s following the leads of Texas’ Greg Abbott and Florida’s Ron DeSantis, as state executives, reading the tea leaves of the Tea Party and blowing in the political wind – lives of their citizens be […]
The inherent racism of anti-vaxx movements
By Paula Larsson | – We are currently experiencing a worldwide vaccination effort that’s being impeded by rising pockets of anti-vaccination sentiment. There has been a recent increase in anti-vaccination conspiracy theories, misinformation campaigns and protests in various countries. And while many accuse anti-vaxxers of a selfish disdain for the health and safety of others, […]
As CPAC Tinfoil Hat Crowd Decries Vaccines, Delta Variant ‘Velociraptor’ Menaces US Red States with India-Style Wave
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-II is to the original vanilla COVID-19 strain as velociraptors were to gentle plant-eating sauropods. And it is coming for America. What is worse, the Republican Party and its media arms such as Fox, Newsmax and OAN, are playing the wicked witch to GOP voters’ Hansel […]
40% of the World’s People, 3 billion Souls, cannot Afford a Healthy Diet
By William A. Masters and Anna Herforth | – ( The Conversation ) – The COVID-19 pandemic has caused price spikes for corn, milk, beans and other commodities, but even before the pandemic about 3 billion people could not afford even the cheapest options for a healthy diet. Recent analysis of global food price data […]
Heart health: Cities are badly Arranged — A Redesign can help us live longer
By Tolullah Oni and Rizka Maulida | – ( The Conversation ) – By 2050, it is projected that almost 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities, up from 55% today. The fastest urban growth is happening in Asia and Africa, which is also where we’re seeing a rapid rise in people […]
Was ‘the War on Drugs’ always a White Nationalist Project?
( ) – Fifty years ago, on June 17, 1971, President Richard Nixon stood before the White House press corps, staffers at his side, to announce “a new, all-out offensive” against drug abuse, which he denounced as “America’s public enemy number one.” He called on Congress to contribute $350 million for a worldwide attack […]
An All-American Horror Story: How we Sacrificed our Health on the Altar of useless Nuclear Arsenals
( ) – Yes, once upon a time I regularly absorbed science fiction and imagined futures of wonder, but mainly of horror. What else could you think, if you read H.G. Wells’s War of the Worlds under the covers by flashlight while your parents thought you were asleep? Of course, that novel was a […]