( Commondreams.org ) – It’s the beginning of the end for corporate control of health care. The tsunami of outrage against the health insurance industry in the wake of the shooting of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, can propel an urgent, unyielding demand for the removal of profit from healthcare and the enactment of a […]
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Social Safety Net
If Trump wins, will Anyone ever be able to Afford to Retire?
( Tomdispatch.com ) – The Washington Post headline reads: “A big problem for young workers: 70- and 80-year-olds who won’t retire.” For the first time in history, reports Aden Barton, five generations are competing in the same workforce. His article laments a “demographic traffic jam” at the apexes of various employment pyramids, making it ever […]
To Win “Medicare for All” First Reclaim Medicare From Profiteers
Ed Weisbart ( Commondreams.org ) – Fifty-nine years ago today, President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law—a high-water mark in the fight for universal healthcare that had started decades before and that continues to this day. Ever since Medicare became law, it has been a shining example of what is possible in U.S. healthcare: a […]
Trump’s Project 2025 abolishes Medicare; We need to Fight Back and Expand it
Gainesville, Florida (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) — The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, framed by former Trump administration staffers and secretly endorsed by Trump himself, proposes changes in Medicare benefits that could destroy Medicare as we know it. Instead, we must fight back and expand it. On July 30, 1965, at the Harry S. Truman […]
How the Corporations’ “Medicare Advantage” Harms America’s Patients and Providers
Gainesville, Fl. (Special to Informed Comment) – 1). Medicare Advantage (MA), the privately-administered version of Traditional Medicare (TM), is causing significant harm to America’s patients, providers, and health 2). Political support for the private health insurance industry and Medicare Advantage exists because our government permits private health insurance companies to exact large profit from its […]
Why Are Any of Us Paying for the Scam That is Medicare Advantage?
By Thom Hartmann | – ( Commondreams.org) – They’re competing unfairly with Medicare, and you and I are paying for it. It’s obscene. When former U.S. President George W. Bush and congressional Republicans (and a handful of bought-off Democrats) created Medicare Advantage in 2003, it was the fulfillment of half of Bush’s goal of privatizing […]
Housing, Not Handcuffs: The Moral Response to Homelessness
By Liz Theoharis and Shailly Gupta Barnes ( Tomdispatch.com ) – On April 22nd, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Grants Pass v. Johnson, a case that focuses on whether unhoused — the term that has generally replaced “homeless” — people with no indoor shelter options can even pull a blanket around themselves outdoors […]
Patients, Advocates Push Biden to ‘Reclaim Medicare’ From Privatized Medicare Advantage
“If Medicare Advantage has it their way, they’re going to deny me care and delay me care until I’m dead,” said one patient. Jake Johnson ( Commondreams.org ) – Patients on Medicare Advantage spoke out against the privatized plans this week as part of a coordinated campaign to shed light on the program’s care denials, […]
‘Hell No!’: Trump Allies’ Plan to Privatize Medicare Draws Alarm and Outrage
Jake Johnson A right-wing coalition that’s been laying the policy groundwork for another Trump presidency has developed a plan to further privatize Medicare by making fraud-riddled Medicare Advantage “the default enrollment option” for newly eligible beneficiaries. The plan, highlighted Monday by Rolling Stone‘s Andrew Perez, is outlined about halfway through Project 2025’s 920-page playbook for […]