By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban not only continued to defend his anti-immigrant bigotry but went on to say that Islam has never been part of Europe. Mr. Orban not only is increasing the misery of largely Muslim refugees, but now he has erased 1300 years of […]
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‘Bibi in Bible Land’: The Likud Party Miscalculates and loses on Iran Deal
By Shalom L. Goldman | (Informed Comment) | – – Now that the Democratic senators have blocked a challenge to the Iran deal, pundits are looking at what the most persuasive arguments in the presentations to Democratic members of Congress were. What persuaded most Democrats to back the Iran deal, despite the well-funded campaigns against […]
The lost fortunes of Palestine’s dynamic Ottoman-era merchants
By Charlie Hoyle | (Ma’an News Agency) | – – The pink stone mansions hidden among the modern urban geography of Bethlehem —surrounded by an eight-meter high concrete wall and penned in by Israeli settlements — contain a rich untold history of phenomenal global success:The city’s pioneering 19th century merchants. An interior view of the […]
Martyr to Science in Palmyra: Archeologist Khaled al-Asaad
By Pierre Leriche | (The Conversation) | – – A second ancient temple at Palmyra has been razed, with a satellite image appearing to confirm the destruction of the Temple of Bel, previously one of the best-preserved parts of the ancient city. The revelation follows the release of images by Islamic State last week showing […]
Syria: Daesh/ ISIL Kills aged Archeologist who refused to reveal hidden Palmyra Antiquities
AJ+ | (Video News Report) | – – “ISIS beheaded 82-year-old Khaled Al-Asaad on August 18, 2015, in the 2,000-year-old city he spent his life restoring. Syria’s most prominent antiquities scholar is the latest victim of the Islamic State group’s war on history.” AJ+: “ISIS Kills 82-Year-Old Scholar In Ancient City Of Palmyra He Helped […]
Despite Sordid Past, Nuclear Deal can Repair US-Iran Relations: An open letter to Congress and the White House
Francis A. Mlynarczyk, Jr. and Walter M. Cadette | (Informed Comment)| – – Washington has an opportunity to repair its tattered relations with Iran. The opportunity is there on the premise that Washington, in fact, makes good on its P5+1 commitments to lift economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for circumscriptions on Iran’s nuclear program. […]
Settlement Expansion Largely Responsible for Violence in Occupied West Bank
By Kanya D’Almeida | (Inter Press Service) | – – UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – Just weeks after an 18-month-old baby was killed in an arson attack in the Palestinian village of Duma, located south of Nablus city in the Occupied West Bank, a United Nations special committee has blasted Israel’s policy of settlement expansion, saying […]
Memo to Jeb Bush: It was W’s Surge that created ISIL, not Hillary
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Jeb Bush very unwisely went after Hillary Clinton last night on the grounds that her Iraq policies gave us Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). Bush may think he is cleverly pulling a Karl Rove, attacking his opponent on her strong point (foreign policy), as Rove swiftboated John Kerry […]
Water Wars from the Pharaohs to the West Bank in 2 mins. via Lego Animation
AJ+ | (Video report) | – – We wanted to tell the story of water wars throughout history. We also wanted to play with Legos. Here’s the result. The programs conducted by AJ+ are not affiliated, sponsored or endorsed by LEGO®. AJ+: “Water Wars: A Lego Animated Short”