HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli forces on Saturday suppressed a march protesting the recent purchase by Israeli setters of a church compound in the southern West Bank. The 38 dunam compound, known as Beit al-Baraka, is located to the north of al-Arrub refugee camp between Bethlehem and Hebron. It has been in the spotlight since an […]
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Israel: Top Outrageous Things Officials of the New Far Right Gov’t have Said
Ami Kaufman | +972 Magazine | (Video) — “The ministers comprising Israel’s 34th government are the most right wing ever, almost all oppose the two-state solution and have a rich history of legislative attacks on human rights organizations and democratic institutions. Ami Kaufman has a wake-up call for you.” +972 Magazine: ” Wake-up Call: Meet […]
Kaplan’s Fantasies of Empire and the Myth of the Arab Strongman
By Ari Heistein | (Informed Comment) | – Robert Kaplan explains the current conflicts in the Middle East as the inevitable results of the withdrawal of colonial powers which led to a vacuum of power filled by Arab strongmen who then fell and then left the Middle East back in its natural state– chaos and […]
Kaplan: An Impish Desire for Imperial Déjà Vu
Daniel Martin Varisco | (MENA Tidningen) | – A recent online commentary by Robert Kaplan for Foreign Policy displays the provocative title: “It’s time to bring imperialism back to the Middle East”. The punch line surfaces in the final paragraph: “Imperialism bestowed order, however retrograde it may have been”. Retrograde? How about brutal? Let’s see: […]
After the Cold War, did We all Get the worst of both Capitalist & Communist Worlds?
By John Feffer | (Tomdispatch.com) | – Imagine an alternative universe in which the two major Cold War superpowers evolved into the United Soviet Socialist States. The conjoined entity, linked perhaps by a new Bering Straits land bridge, combines the optimal features of capitalism and collectivism. From Siberia to Sioux City, we’d all be living […]
Washington asks, “Who lost Ramadi?” But Washington never had Ramadi
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | — The inside-the-Beltway debate set off by the fall of the Iraqi city of Ramadi to Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) on Sunday is, as usual, Dadaistic in its disconnection from reality. Republican talking points blame Barack Obama for withdrawing US troops from Iraq in 2011, as though Daesh suddenly […]
Who does Jerusalem belong To?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – Far right Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu commemorated Israel’s “Jerusalem Day” with a speech in which he said, “Jerusalem was always the capital of the Jewish people only, and no other,” and warned that Muslim terrorism menaced it. Jerusalem, Daru Shalem, was founded sometime between 6500 and […]
Syria: Roman Palmyra Monuments in danger as ISIL Fighters Near
BBC News | Video | – “Islamic State militants move to within a few miles of one of the world’s oldest and most important archaeological cities, Palmyra, in the latest stage of their campaign in Syria.” Islamic State: Fighters near site at Palmyra – BBC News
Palestinian-Israelis: Hundreds pray outside closed mosque in Beersheba
BEERSHEBA (Ma’an) — Some 250 Palestinians performed Friday prayers outside a mosque in Beersheba in southern Israel that Israeli authorities have kept closed since 1948. The prayers came amid heavy Israeli police presence, with police sealing the roads leading toward the mosque. The initiative was called for by Sheikh Hassan Abu Ubeid from al-Ramla along […]