( The New Arab ) – On Saturday, October 7 2023, a significant shift occurred in the Palestinian-Israeli narrative. A normalised, gradual genocide over 76 years of Zionist colonialism, peppered by savage episodes of “mowing the lawn”, obscured by liberal Zionist propaganda and backed by imperial Washington, became an unapologetic, even gleeful mass murder of […]
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Ireland Recognizes Palestine, Broaches sanctions on Israel for “Barbaric” Airstrikes, Settler Violence
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ireland joined Spain and Norway on Tuesday in formally recognizing Palestine as a “sovereign and independent state” in Gaza and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital, inside 1967 borders. The prime minister or Taoiseach of Ireland, Simon Harris, proclaimed, “Ireland’s decision is about keeping hope alive. It […]
S. Africa v. Israel on Rafah Genocide: Endgame in which Gaza is utterly Destroyed for Human Habitation
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – South Africa returned to the International Court of Justice in the Hague on Thursday over the Israeli invasion of Rafah, which its attorneys alleged is a further act of genocide in Gaza. South Africa had laid out its initial case in January. The court will take months to come to […]
With Pause, US Joins Other States Stopping Arms Transfers to Israel
By Akshaya Kumar | (@AkshayaSays) | – ( Human Rights Watch ) – This week, United States President Joe Biden announced that his administration has “held up” at least one shipment of 3,500 bombs and artillery shells to Israel, saying the US wouldn’t transfer certain weapons to Israel if it proceeded with an assault on the city […]
Protesting Israel’s Arrest and Continued Questioning of Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian
Committee on Academic Freedom | Middle East Studies Association Asher Cohen President, Hebrew University of Jerusalem . . . We write on behalf of the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS) to express our grave concern over the […]
Israeli Squatter-Settlers in Palestinian West Bank Expanding at Fastest Rate in History, as they attack Indigenous Towns
Belfast (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – While the world’s eyes have been on Gaza, Palestinian villages in the West Bank have been subjected to savage attacks by extremist Israeli settlers. In Al-Mughair village in Ramallah area, settlers, protected by the Israeli army, killed two Palestinians. They also burned dozens of Palestinian properties and vehicles […]
US House awards Israel $26 Billion so it can go on Killing or Wounding a Palestinian Child every 10 Minutes
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The US House of Representatives voted $26 billion for Israel on Saturday to reward it for its ongoing war crimes against Palestinians. Some 58 members voted against the measure, including 37 Democrats. It was the House of Representatives’ most decisive vote of confidence in genocide since the Indian Removal Act […]
As Israel defies UNSC demand for Gaza Ceasefire, UN Human Rights Body slams ongoing “Genocide”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The UN Security Council has finally passed a ceasefire resolution for Gaza, from which the US abstained, so it was passed by the other 14 members. Although UNSC resolutions are binding, and countries like Iraq and Iran have been severely punished for disobeying them, the US is running interference for […]
Brazil’s Lula compares Netanyahu to Hitler: How Fascist is Israel’s War on Palestinians?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stirred controversy when he said, “What is happening in the Gaza Strip and with the Palestinian people did not exist at any other historical moment. Or rather, it did: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.” He continued, “It is not a war […]