TeleSur | – – Erdogan told journalists after Eid al-Fitr prayers that “It (the list of demands from Qatar’s neighbors to lift the ban) is a breach of Qatar’s sovereignty rights.” On Sunday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan declared that he supported Qatar’s response to a list of demands issued by the Arab states that boycotted […]
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Do Egyptians have any Rights Left at All? – HRW
Human Rights Watch | – – (Beirut) – Egyptian authorities in recent weeks have arrested at least 50 peaceful political activists, blocked at least 62 websites, and opened a criminal prosecution against a former presidential candidate, Human Rights Watch said today. The actions are further closing any remaining space for free expression. The charges against […]
Egypt Ups Systematic Efforts to Silence Independent Media
By Salma Essam | ( | – – The Egyptian government’s efforts to crack down on critical media platforms reached news heights this week when authorities blocked access to the Cairo-based independent news website, Mada Masr. An “independent and progressive” news outlet that covers a variety of topics including politics, culture and the economy, […]
Paying for Facebook? Will Egyptian Social Media Users have to Register With Gov’t?
By Afef Abrougu. | ( Global Voices ) | – – Sixty Egyptian members of parliament recently approved a draft law on “the regulations of using and exploiting social media networks.” If adopted by the parliament, the law would require social media users in Egypt to register with a government authority in order to use […]
Press Freedom in Middle East Cratering in Age of Brutal Dictatorships
By Brian Whitaker | ( ) | – – Among the 22 countries belonging to the Arab League, 17 are ranked as “bad” or “very bad” in the annual World Press Freedom Index published today by Reporters Without Borders. The eight classified as “bad” are Algeria, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar and the […]
Turkey’s Erdogan bans Wikipedia, TV Dating Shows, oh, and Fires 4,000
TeleSur | – – With the April 16 referendum having expanded Erdogan’s powers, the AKP leader continues to lead a mass crackdown against his citizens. While a hotly contested referendum earlier this month expanded Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s authoritarian powers — it appears the Justice and Development (AKP) party leader is wasting no time exercising […]
Turkey’s Coup aftermath and Human Rights: A Feminist Perspective
By Banu Gökarıksel | ( Duke University Blog ) | – – Feminist critiques of political power reveal the central function of gender, sexuality, and difference in maintaining that power. Yet, in current events, a feminist geopolitics is rarely considered and has been absent from analysis of the 2016 coup attempt and its aftermath in […]
Oscar Nominee Asghar Farhadi between US Muslim Ban and Ayatollahs’ Censorship
By Kevin Hagopian | (The Conversation) | – – Politics loom over this year’s Oscars, with many bracing for what the winners will – or won’t – say when they ascend the stage before millions of television viewers on Feb. 26. One nominee, however, has already made a statement. Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi’s “The Salesman” […]
Confusion over U.S. Travel Ban Grounding Foreign Correspondents
By Tharanga Yakupitiyage | (Inter Press Service) | – – NEW YORK (IPS) – New restrictions on immigrants and refugees coming to the United States are also posing challenges for foreign correspondents covering news in the United States. Some have had to indefinitely postpone plans to report on conflicts in the Middle East while others […]