Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – US Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI), a former pastor, called this week for a genocide, the Final Solution of the Palestinian Problem.. Michigan’s 5th congressional district stretches across the far bottom of the state, encompassing cities such as Albion and Jackson and abutting Ohio and Indiana. I don’t have any reason […]
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Gay rights
Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson is the Face of the Republican Party: Election Denialist, Forced Birth Enforcer, Homophobe and Christian Zionist
Chicago (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Disguised as a mild-mannered Clark Kent, Mike Johnson is a raging theocrat under his tailored suit, who believes his ascension to the speakership was ordained by God. The formerly invisible but now made manifest Christian Nationalist from Louisiana was elevated to power unanimously, following three weeks of vindictive, […]
From Palestine to Slavery, Ron DeSantis’ Muzzling of Universities is dooming Florida Higher Education
Diane Roberts ( Florida Phoenix ) – The American Association of University Professors recently conducted a survey of faculty in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and Texas, finding the state of higher education in the South is not strong — in fact, it’s in crisis. One-third of those surveyed say they’re looking for a job in […]
Navajo Nation Lawmaker introduces Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage
By: Kalle Benallie, ICT – J ( Source New Mexico ) – The fight to have same-sex marriage recognized by the Navajo Nation continues during Pride Month. Navajo Nation Council Delegate Seth Damon signed and sponsored legislation that would recognize same-sex marriages within the Navajo Nation during the Navajo Nation Pride opening ceremony on […]
On June 25, LGBTQ+ groups will March through the Streets of Istanbul, Turkey, despite Threats of Violence
Undertones: Turkish citizens rethink what democracy means Is democracy in the ballot or on the streets? Written byCivic Media Observatory Posted 15 June 2023 15:41 GMT This story is part of Undertones, Global Voices’ Civic Media Observatory‘s newsletter. Subscribe to Undertones. Welcome back to Undertones, where we analyze media narratives from around the world. This […]
Anti-Trans Politicians Are Following the Nazi Playbook
By Mitchell Zimmerman ( Otherwords ) – The 1920s were both good and bad times for the Jews of Germany. They’d been granted the same legal rights as other Germans and were established in respected professions. They were mostly treated as worthy of dignity. But that changed as antisemites scapegoated Jews for all of Germany’s […]
Israeli Protesters fear for the Future of their Country’s precarious LGBTQ Rights Revolution
By Orit Avishai, Fordham University | – Demonstrations against the Israeli government’s efforts to radically overhaul the country’s judicial system have become a weekly occurrence. Often rainbow pride banners pop with color amid the sea of blue and white national flags. LGBTQ allies are hardly the only groups protesting the new government: Secular Jews, liberals […]
Pride Month 2023: Erasing LGBTQI+ People is a Crime against Humanity
By Susan Dicklitch-Nelson ( Pennsylvania Capital-Star ) – Twenty-five years ago, at the Christmas table, my uncle suggested that “all gay people should be sent to a desert island, covered with fertilizer, and set aflame.” His proposed method may have been novel, but he certainly was not the first person to suggest the extermination […]
Turkey: what to expect from Erdoğan, his ultranationalist Alliance and their ‘Family Values’ Pledges
Balki Begumhan Bayhan, Coventry University | – (The Conversation) – After a bitter and hard-fought campaign that went to a second run-off vote, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has retained the Turkish presidency in an election that some deemed as “free but not fair”. Having first won power in 2003, Erdoğan has been able to extend his […]