(By Juan Cole) A lot of political analysts think it is entirely possible that the Republicans will take the senate next November. This development won’t change much, in all likelihood, if it does occur. The Republican majority in the House of Representatives can already block most legislation, and in 2013 it dedicated itself the the […]
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Human Rights
Egyptian Junta increasingly sees Journalism as a form of Terrorism, Arrests Journalists
(Via Globalpost) Why Al Jazeera’s journalists are being targeted in Egypt (via GlobalPost) CAIRO, Egypt — In Egypt, journalists are being accused of terrorism. Twenty Al Jazeera employees, including four foreigners, are to stand trial on charges of joining or assisting a terrorist group, as well as fabricating news to convince readers that… —— […]
Director Steven Spielberg speaks at UN Holocaust Remembrance Day: “There are no Bystanders to History”
ITN reports, “Director Steven Spielberg talks at UN Holocaust Remembrance Day”
Turkish Gov’t Compares Internet Freedom to Battered Spouses
(Via Techdirt) Turkish Government Says Online Freedom Is Like Violence Against Women (via Techdirt) As anyone who has been following the news knows, Turkey has been going through a turbulent patch recently. It’s also been trying to control dissenting voices online, as Techdirt has reported. So it comes as no surprise that it is bringing […]
Now Peace Talks, John Kerry, are “Anti-Semitic” in Eyes of Israeli Far Right
(By Juan Cole) The Likud-led Israeli government doesn’t like US Secretary of State John Kerry at all. Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon ridiculed him as “obsessive” and “messianic.” Economy Minister Naftali Bennett earlier this week slammed Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as being under Kerry’s influence, when Netanyahu was said to be considering leaving Israeli squatters […]
US Scam: Give the Rich Money & and they might Make us Slightly Less Poor (David “The Wire” Simon)
Bill Moyers interviews David Simon on “America as Horror Show” and the fate of the “extra people” left over once the jobs were shipped to the Pacific Rim (they are hunted and 2.2 million incarcerated)
Israeli Business Leaders, Fearing Boycotts, Pressure Israeli Gov’t to make Peace
(Via AFP) Israel concerned at growing boycott threat (via AFP) Israeli government and business leaders are alarmed by a growing international boycott movement and the likely effect of EU measures against exports from Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. Cabinet ministers are to meet next week to hammer… ——— Related video: Press TV […]
Gaza Photo Blog: Palestinian Fishermen Idled by Israeli Policies
(By Muhamad Sabah via B’Tselem) Following are images of the fishing docks in Gaza as captured by B’Tselem field researcher Muhammad Sabah. There is no denying the colorful sight of so many boats moored in the harbor. Yet in point of fact, the picturesque sight is evidence of a grim reality, with the boats out […]
Bad for the Jews: Israeli Annexation of Palestinian West Bank, Scarlett Johansson and BDS
(By Juan Cole) The determination of the Likud Party to annex the Palestinian West Bank is damaging the interests of world Jewry. This harm is clearly visible in the controversy that has engulfed movie star Scarlett Johansson, who was a global ambassador for the Oxfam charity and who also agreed to become a spokesperson for […]