By Mohammed Hasan | ( Global Voices | – – A Cairo appeals court sentenced Egyptian novelist and journalist Ahmed Naji for two years in prison for publishing a chapter containing “sexually explicit” scenes from his novel The Guide of Using Life in a magazine. Egyptian novelist and journalist Ahmed Naji has been sentenced to […]
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Human Rights
The Evolution of Social Media use in Mideast 5 years after the Youth Revolts
By Damian Radcliffe | (The Conversation) | – – In 2011, the Arab Spring rocked many parts of the Middle East. Regime change in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya saw the departure of long-established – seemingly untouchable – political leaders and inspired ripples of protest and disquiet in many neighboring Arab nations. The tumultuous ramifications are […]
Arbitrary: Egyptian Military Court Sentences 3-Year-Old to Life
Human Rights Watch | – – (Beirut) – A life sentence apparently handed down by mistake to a 3-year-old boy on February 16, 2016, exemplifies the arbitrariness of Egyptian courts that are used to punish political opponents of the government. A Cairo military court presiding over a mass trial of 116 defendants, including Ahmed Mansour […]
Does Obama’s plan to close Guantanamo go far enough in restoring Constitution?
TeleSur | – – President Obama is making his case to the nation to finally close the much maligned detention center in his final year in office. President Barack Obama presented a four point plan Tuesday to “close Guantanamo once and for all” the president said. The plan now lies in the control of Congress […]
Two Children Die Every Day Trying to Cross the Mediterranean
TeleSur | – – Children make up 36 percent of the those making the perilous migration journey across the sea, often to flee conflicts. As the refugees crisis surges on with thousands of refugees from the Middle East attempting to cross the Mediterranean on route to Europe, two children have drowned every day since September […]
Trumpism & Europe’s Refugees: Poland says it cannot coexist ‘with Middle East people’
By Sarantis Michalopoulos | ( A dispute over how to shelter 160,000 refugees in Europe got deeper today when Poland said its population is unable to live with people from the Middle East. EurActiv Greece reports. The Dutch EU presidency, helped by Germany, Italy and Greece, is trying to convince Eastern European countries to […]
Iran: Poet of Gender Discrimination flees Lashes, 11.5 Year Sentence
By Golnaz Esfandiari | ( RFE/RL ) | – – To get her first book of poetry past the Iranian censor, Fatemeh Ekhtesari did what other Iranian writers often have to do: She used dots for words and sentences she thought would not get past the authorities. But Ekhtesari wasn't prepared for her voice to […]
GOP Candidates’ Sick, Illegal, Fixation on Torture
By John Kiriakou | ( | – – GOP presidential candidates are endorsing torture, again. For anyone who cares deeply about being informed, watching Republican presidential debates can feel like a form of torture. But the program becomes more terrifying altogether when their ignorance is hitched to an endorsement of actual torture. At the latest […]
Turkey must not strand new Wave of Syrian Refugees, & nor should Europe
Human Rights Watch | – – (Istanbul) – Turkey should allow Syrians at its border fleeing the fighting in and around Aleppo to seek protection in Turkey, Human Rights Watch said today. Forcing people to remain in a war zone, where they risk death and injury, is no solution to the challenge of protecting Syrians […]