Cenk Uygur, Brett Erlich, and Mark Thompson | (The Young Turks Video) | – – Pete Hoekstra is either a great bad liar or a really great one. Cenk Uygur, Brett Erlich, and Mark Thompson, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. “The US ambassador to the Netherlands faced an excruciating moment on […]
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Why Arabs And Muslims Aren’t Exotic: The Grip of Orientalism (Video)
AJ+ | (Video Report) | – – “From Aladdin to Bodak Yellow, the media is obsessed with portraying Arabs and Muslims as exotic and mysterious. So why is this sort of imagery so pervasive?” Why Arabs And Muslims Aren’t Exotic | AJ+
A Bitter Pill for Far Right: Europe’s Muslim Immigrants create Jobs, boost Economy
Maha Akeel | (Euractiv.com) | – – Immigration has been shown to boost Europe’s economies and should be encouraged as indigenous populations get older. At a time of challenge, Europe still has what some might think is a surprising ace up its sleeve – immigration, writes Maha Akeel. Maha Akeel is the director of the […]
Ethnically Cleansed Burmese Rohingya reach 600,000 in Bangladesh Camps
By Naimul Haq | (Inter Press Service) | – – IPS Correspondent Naimul Haq interviews WILLIAM LACY SWING, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) DHAKA, Bangladesh, Dec 5 2017 (IPS) – In less than four months, over 600,000 Rohingya refugees have fled brutal persecution in Myanmar to seek safety across the border […]
Far Right’s Misuse of Knights Templar, Who were actually Sympathetic to Muslims
Patrick Masters | (The Conversation) | – – When market trader Tina Gayle was banned from selling mugs featuring Knights Templar logos in a Loughborough Market, Charnwood Borough Council ruled that they were offensive to Muslims. A story in the Daily Mail reported that Gayle had “been previously been warned by the council for selling […]
The Civil War inside Buddhism caused Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims
Paul Fuller | (The Conversation) | – – There is a desperate humanitarian crisis underway in Myanmar, centring around the Rohingya Muslims. There is what has been described as a “textbook case of ethnic cleansing” against the approximately one million Rohingya who live in the western Myanmar state of Rakhine. As well as retaliations from […]
Le Pen Stripped of Immunity for Tweeting Gruesome IS Images
TeleSur | – – Circulating “violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity” is a crime punishable in France by up to three years’ imprisonment. France’s National Assembly has lifted far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s immunity from prosecution after she posted pictures on Twitter of Islamic State (IS) atrocities. The decision […]
Escaping Death: Meet The Rohingya Muslim Refugees Fleeing Myanmar (Video)
AJ+ | (Video News Clip) | – – “Late at night, Dudu Mia and his family wash up on the shores of Bangladesh. Their village in neighboring Myanmar was attacked by the military in an ongoing campaign to purge the Rohingya Muslim minority from the country; the refugees bring with them countless horror stories of […]
Dear Sean Hannity: Allahu Akbar is in the Catholic Catechism
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Sean Hannity manages to combine being sneaky with being a bully. You think of a bully as maybe too straightforward, someone who hulks over others glaring and tries to impose his will on them. It is the 89 pound weakling we think of as sneaky, going […]