Nasim Ahmed Nasimbythedocks ( Middle East Monitor) – A “smear campaign” alleged to be orchestrated by the United Arab Emirates and executed through a Geneva-based private intelligence firm has apparently been peddling hateful misinformation associated with anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists, an article in New Yorker Magazine has revealed. In “The dirty […]
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The Importance of Addressing Institutional Islamophobia: Intelligence Agencies use Lazy Stereotypes
By Baljit Nagra, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa and Paula Maurutto, University of Toronto | – (The Conversation) – There has been an uproar recently among politicians who have called for the resignation of Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s first special representative on combating Islamophobia. The position was created in January 2023 to address the longstanding discrimination, hate […]
The Suspect: Counterterrorism, Islam and the Security State, by Rizwaan Sabir (Review)
Review of Rizwaan Sabir, The Suspect: Counterterrorism, Islam, and The Security State (London: Pluto Press, 2022.) Greifswald, Germany (Special to Informed Comment) – In May 2008, a post-graduate student of International Relations was arrested for six days after downloading a 140-page document on Al-Qaeda from the US Justice Department website. A copy of the document […]
Rep. Ilhan Omar makes her Move into the Mainstream
By Doug Rossinow | – ( Minnesota Reformer) – Only six months ago, U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s future looked cloudy, her political base shaken. She had barely fended off a primary challenge. Her political judgments appeared questionable. Her critics appeared to have grown in number. Now House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his Republican allies have […]
Faustian Bargain: On pretext of Israel, Republicans oust Ilhan Omar from Committee to please White Nationalist Base
Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment) – Congressional Republicans are more interested in grandstanding than governance, and political persecution rather than functional democracy. The banishment of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from her assignment on the Foreign Affairs Committee by Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) illustrates how Republican candidates and office holders try to outdo each other with […]
Turkey’s President Erdogan Says Swedish NATO Application out of Question after Qur’an burning in Stockholm
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that Sweden can forget about membership in the 30-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Erdogan is demanding that Sweden cooperate with Turkey in repressing Kurdish activist expatriates in Sweden, all of whom he views as terrorists. He also says he is furious about the […]
Who will Help Rohingya Women and Demonstrate Global Leadership?
By Deeplina Banerjee, Western University | – The UN Security Council recently adopted its first resolution on Myanmar in more than seven decades. The resolution demanded an end to the violence and called on Myamnar’s military junta to release all political prisoners. In 2021, the military seized power in the country in a violent coup […]
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being French: Murderer of Kurds ‘William M.’ Treated with kid Gloves
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Last Thursday, one “William M.,” a retired French train conductor, went to the Kurdish Cultural center in the 10th Arondissement of Paris with a gun and shot six people, killing three and wounding three others, all Kurds. Some were in a hairdresser’s shop. So write Nathalie Birchem et Denis Peiron […]
Is the Controversy over Qatar’s World Cup just More Orientalism and Islamophobia?
Belfast (Informed Comment) – The entire Arab world is excited as one of the world biggest sports events, the FIFA World Cup is held in an Arab Muslim country for the first time. This excitement is because of decades of collective feeling of frustration with being portrayed by Western media as backward, uncivilized and savage. […]