By James A. Haught | (Charleston Gazette-Mail) | – – The progressive vision for America — to make life better for all families, not just the privileged elite at the top — has suffered setbacks. After the 2016 election, Republicans control the White House, both chambers of Congress and more than half of state governments. […]
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International Politics and Economy
Do Illegal Flynn Russia-Turkey Payments Implicate Trump White House?
Al Jazeera English | (Video News Clip) | – – “Michael Flynn, former national security adviser, may have broken the law by not disclosing payments he received from Russia when applying for government security clearance.” Al Jazeera: “New questions raised over Flynn-Russia ties”
No Woman Has Ever Run For Iranian President. Will Azam Taleghani Be The First?
By Golnaz Esfandiari. | ( RFE/RL) | – – Update: Ms. Taleghani has been disqualified. Her journey is still amszing. On April 14, a tiny, frail-looking woman wearing a chador and using a walker made her way slowly up the stairs of Iran’s Interior Ministry in Tehran. Seventy-three-year-old Azam Taleghani was there to register as […]
UK: Labour’s Corbyn Says Could Halt Syria Airstrikes If Elected
TeleSur | – – Corbyn also said he would have to consider whether he would authorize a drone strike against the leader of Islamic State group to limit civilian deaths. The leader of Britain’s main opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn said on Sunday he could suspend British involvement in airstrikes against Syria if he was […]
How Trump put the Foxes in charge of the Hen House at Education, Health, Justice
By Steven Harper | ( | – – “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.— Steve Bannon to historian Ron Radosh on Nov. 12, 2013 (according to Radosh) Through key Cabinet appointments, Trump is gutting federal agencies […]
The Coming Muslim Century: Bad news for President Bannon
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Demographically, the 21st century will be the Muslim Century, as the Pew Research Center on Religion in Public Life has shown. Muslims will go from 24% of the world’s population today to 31% by 2060. I.e. they will equal the Christian population of the world by […]
Can the Left Rebuild in the Deep South?
The Atlantic | (Video News Clip) | – – “Georgia’s sixth congressional district is a Republican stronghold—a Democrat hasn’t won in nearly 40 years. Jon Ossoff, a 30-year-old documentary filmmaker and former congressional aide, is trying to change that. Backed by anti-Trump forces across the country, Ossoff has raised a striking 8.3 million dollars and […]
Can a New Era of Progressive Protest Revolutionize our values in Age of Trump?
By Ira Chernus | ( ) | – – You could hear the deep sadness in the preacher’s voice as he named “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.” With those words, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., launched a scathing indictment of America’s war in Vietnam. It was […]
What is Trump trying to Hide by disappearing WH Visitor Logs?
By Nadia Prupis, staff writer | ( ) | – – ‘The only reasonable conclusion is to believe the Trump administration has many things it is trying to hide’ The decision comes just days after the Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW) and other watchdog groups sued the Trump administration for visitor […]