By Tara Sonenshine, Tufts University | – Loud explosions rock the evening sky. Streaks of light appear like comets. Missiles rain down. Below, people scramble for cover. The injured are taken on stretchers – the dead, buried. That is daily life in Ukraine, where pilotless vehicles known as drones litter the sky in an endless […]
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International Politics and Economy
Strong Showing for Erdogan sets up Turkish Run-Off Election for May 28
Written byArzu Geybullayeva ( ) – The results from the May 14 general elections in Turkey were a surprise for some, a disappointment for others, and for those who rallied behind President Erdoğan and his coalition, a victory. These elections also showed how the main opposition coalition underestimated the societal split and the priorities […]
On its 75th birthday, Israel still can’t Agree on What it means to be a Jewish State and a Democracy
By Eran Kaplan, San Francisco State University | – As Israel celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding, and nearly a century and a half after the first Zionists came to Palestine from Europe, the core tension behind the country’s establishment – whether a Jewish state could be a democratic state, whether Zionism could accommodate […]
The U.S. Still Spends More on Its Military Than Over 144 Nations Combined
By Ashik Siddique | Originally published in National Priorities Project. ( Foreign Policy in Focus) – World military spending has reached a new record high of $2.24 trillion in 2022, according to new data published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). That’s up 3.7% since the previous year, including the steepest increase among […]
Turkey’s presidential Election – how Erdoğan defied the Polls to head into Runoff as Favorite
By Salih Yasun, Indiana University | – Turkey is heading toward a presidential runoff election on May 28, 2023, after no candidate won more than half the votes in the first round – the barrier needed to be declared an outright winner. Incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has ruled the country for two decades, defied […]
Not just Cards and Flowers: The 1st ‘Mother’s Day for Peace’ was Held in New York in 1872
Greenville, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment – Feature) – The 19th century origins of Mother’s Day differ vastly in spirit and purpose from celebrations of it in the 20th and 21st centuries. Mother’s Day was first inspired by two women with diverse but compatible social and political purposes. Prior to the Civil War, Ann Reeves […]
In Turkey, Election Manipulation Abounded in the Run-up to Today’s Presidential Election
( ) – In Turkey, ahead of the country’s most important election in recent memory, being held today, Sunday May 14, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) seems to be resorting to foul play and tricks to steer the votes in their favor. There are fake stickers, physical violence, dark web rumors, manipulated […]
President Erdogan has Wrecked Turkey’s Economy – So What Next?
By Gulcin Ozkan, King’s College London | – (The Conversation) – Turkey’s 2023 election is one of the most significant in its hundred-year history. After years of currency crashes, vanishing foreign currency reserves and surging inflation, rethinking economic policy will be a top priority for whoever is sworn in after the vote on May 14. […]
Turkey’s Opposition Chief is Leading in the Polls, but Sunday’s Election is a Cliffhanger
By Balki Begumhan Bayhan, Coventry University | – (The Conversation) – Turkey’s general election on Sunday, May 14 will see voters cast their ballots for 600 members of its parliament and the country’s powerful presidency. This election has become intensely competitive in a country which has undergone severe democratic erosion over the past decade, but […]