By John Nagle, Queen’s University Belfast and Tamirace Fakhoury, Aalborg University | – Lebanese voters are signalling a desire for change, with Hezbollah and its allies losing ground across the country in a parliamentary election. Just as the recent election in Northern Ireland brought a boost for the non-sectarian Alliance Party, Lebanon’s election saw significant […]
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International Politics and Economy
Why Turkey isn’t on board with Finland, Sweden joining NATO – and why that matters
By Ronald Suny, University of Michigan | – After decades of neutrality, the two Scandinavian states that have to date remained out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have reacted to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by declaring an intention to join the American-led alliance. But there is a major obstacle in their way: Turkey. The […]
Women to the Rescue: Review of “Hope but Demand Justice” by Pat Hynes
A Review of “Hope, But Demand Justice” By Pat Hynes (Haley’s, 2022) — by Nick Mottern (Special to Informed Comment) – The basic conclusion that I came to after reading Pat Hynes’ “Hope, But Demand Justice” is this: If we humans are to survive, women must achieve decisive roles in governments, on an emergency basis, […]
Ukraine: Migrants Locked Up Near Front Lines: Free Migration Detainees; Allow Them to Leave Country for Safety
Human Rights Watch – (Berlin) – Migrants and asylum seekers locked up in a migrant detention center in Mykolaiv on the edge of the front lines in southern Ukraine are in danger and should be released, Human Rights Watch said today. Ukraine should urgently release the dozens of migrants and asylum seekers arbitrarily detained in […]
Defections are crucial to ending Putin’s war — Russian soldiers looking for a way out need support
By David Cortright | – ( Waging Nonviolence) – Putin’s greatest vulnerability may be his dependence on the willingness of Russian soldiers to do his dirty work. Although many in Russia have been conditioned to accept Kremlin propaganda, others have doubts about the war, including some of the troops who have been sent to fight […]
Palestinians: Bust of 4500-yr.-old Goddess Anat found in Gaza “attests the Depth of Ancient Palestinian Civilization”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A farmer plowing his land in Khan Younis, the Gaza Strip, recently found the head of a statuette of the ancient Levantine goddess Anat from 4,500 years ago, AFP reports. Everything in Israel/Palestine is political, including, and maybe especially, archeology. In 2500 BCE the ancient Levantine civilization, sometimes called “proto-Canaanite,” […]
France: Macron’s Pyrrhic Victory — Is his Neoliberalism Producing the Far Right?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Romain Brunet at France 24 termed Emannuel Macron’s win in the presidential election a “Pyrrhic victory.” In 280-275 BC, Pyrrhus, the King of Epirus on the west coast of Greece, launched a war against the Roman Republic. He won some battles, but at such great cost that he may as […]
Putin and Le Pen: The History of an Alliance between Russia and France’s far Right
By Marlene Laruelle, George Washington University | – Days before the second round of the French presidential elections, far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen (Rassemblement National, RN) spelled out some of her foreign policy priorities: limit military support to Ukraine and steer clear from voting new sanctions against Russia; leave NATO’s integrated command; and relaunch […]
Why the French Election is Haunted by the Ghost of Colonialism in Algeria: Roots of Far-Right Le Pen
By Mustafa Fetouri | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – Whether France is voting, commemorating D-day or debating French identity in terms of Republic Values, Algeria is always present in some way. It is almost impossible to discuss anything of substance in France in which Algeria does not feature and, sometimes, dominates the debate. […]