( Tomdispatch.com) – In 2016 as now, he was the candidate of chaos. Yes, he was a billionaire (or wanna-be billionaire or in-hock billionaire, not to mention a liar, a cheat, and a scoundrel), but from the beginning he appealed to the forces of order in America that were also, as it happened, the forces […]
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In a Looking-Glass World, Our Work is Just beginning
By Rebecca Gordon | – ( Tomdispatch.com) – In the chaos of this moment, it seems likely that Joe Biden will just squeeze into the presidency and that he’ll certainly win the popular vote, Donald Trump’s Mussolini-like behavior and election night false claim of victory notwithstanding. Somehow, it all brings another moment in my life […]
Top 6 Progressive Victories on Election Day — Whatever Happens
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Although all eyes are on the presidential election as I put this column to bed, it is worthwhile tallying up the progressive victories at other levels of the election, as they are known early Wednesday. 1. The Democrats are projected to retain the House of Representatives, in which they have […]
Training for post-election violence scenarios
By Stephanie Van Hook | – A conversation with Eli McCarthy of DC Peace Team, a group of nonviolence trainers preparing people to defend democracy and heal communities. ( Waging Nonviolence ) – Over the past decade there has been a quantitative growth in organized unarmed civilian protection, or UCP, groups and violence de-escalation trainings within […]
On Jewish Revolutionary Internationalism
I. The Prisoner in the Dock ( Against the Current) – THE JEWISH REVOLUTIONARY Internationalist commitment to the indivisibility of justice was on full display in palpable if muted form on April 26, 1964. That day, in Pretoria, South Africa, a tall, handsome man stood boldly in the prisoner’s dock of the Supreme Court. Well […]
5 reasons not to underestimate far-right extremists
By Alexander Hinton | – Far-right extremists have been in the news, with an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor and rallies like the one the Proud Boys held in Portland in September. With a hotly contested election underway in a polarized society, many people are concerned about violence from far-right extremists. But they may […]
A Well-Armed and Unpatriotic Far Right
By Andrea Mazzarino | – ( Tomdispatch.com ) – It was July 2017, a few weeks before the “Unite the Right” Charlottesville riots, when white men marched through the streets of that Virginia city protesting the planned takedown of a confederate statue and chanting, “Jews will not replace us.” I was sitting at a coffee […]
Plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor grew from the militia movement’s toxic mix of constitutional falsehoods and half-truths
By John E. Finn | – The U.S. militia movement has long been steeped in a peculiar – and unquestionably mistaken – interpretation of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and civil liberties. This is true of an armed militia group that calls itself the Wolverine Watchmen, who were involved in the recently revealed plot […]
Call for Fox Media News Monopoly to be Broken up: Rupert Murdoch an “arrogant cancer on … democracy” – Rudd
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd has called for the break up of his country’s media monopolies (almost all major media are owned by just two corporations). One of the two media monopolies he was slamming is Rupert Murdoch’s Newscorp. In its incarnation as Fox News, the same company has […]