by Eman Abusidu EmAbusidu ( Middle East Monitor ) – Just days after her inauguration as the first female president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum called for the recognition of the State of Palestine as a step towards achieving peace in the Middle East, and reaffirmed her country’s longstanding support for the Palestinian people. “We condemn […]
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Goodbye Acapulco: 205 mph Winds destroy 80% of Infrastructure, do $18 bn of Damage in Climate Change Warning
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Gaza City is not the only place that has been reduced to rubble in the past week. Dan Stillman at WaPo points out that Hurricane Otis hit Acapulco on October 25 with 205 mph winds, “among the strongest ever measured.” Iván Cabrera at N+ reports that the megastorm destroyed 80% […]
In wake of Mexican Senate Vote to Recognize Palestine, Palestinians seek to upgrade to Full Embassy in Mexico City
Revised. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Spanish-language Twitter account for Palestine, “Palestino Hoy,” announced on Thursday that the Palestinian delegation in Mexico City will now be upgraded from a “Special Delegation” to a full embassy, after Mexico fully recognized the state of Palestine. N.B. Some commentators allege that this announcement is solely from the […]
‘Open-air Prison’ in southern Mexico traps thousands of Migrants
By Taylor Stevens | Cronkite Borderlands Project – ( Cronkite News ) – TAPACHULA, MEXICO – The desperation here is palpable. It fills the stifling air as migrants line up in the hot sun outside the National Migration Institute in hopes of receiving an interview, their children close at hand and their visa applications tucked […]
Resisting the Wall Industry, from Palestine to Mexico
By Chung-Wha Hong | – (Yes! Magazine) – The institutions responsible for harming people operate across borders far more than most people realize, yet many groups are joining forces to gain strength. Embed from Getty ImagesGraffiti art on Seperation wall in West Bank: BETHLEHEM, WEST BANK – NOVEMBER 1 : Graffiti art is seen on […]
Trump’s incessant Talk of Mexico Tariffs is about White Nationalism, not Trade
By Laura Carlsen | – (FPIF) – There’s nothing “uncontrollable” about people applying for asylum. All the U.S. has to do is meet its obligations under international law. Donald Trump has once again torpedoed the U.S. relationship with Mexico — its third-largest trade partner, closest neighbor and, actually, an ally — by announcing his decision […]
Leftist Wave sweeps Mexico: Can Lopez Obrador take on Corruption, Poverty… & Trump?
Lopez Obrador also benefited from widespread voter anger at the establishment political parties
A Visit to Heaven and Hell: Galeano
By Eduardo Galeano | ( | – – [The following passages are excerpted from Hunter of Stories, the last book by Eduardo Galeano, who died in 2015. Thanks for its use go to his literary agent, Susan Bergholz, and Nation Books, which is publishing it next week.] [The following passages are excerpted from Hunter […]
Transcript: Trump threatened Mexican Pres. over Paying for Wall
TeleSur. | – – Trump told the Mexican leader that they were both in a bit of a political bind due to Trump’s campaign pledge to build a massive wall to prevent illegal immigration and have Mexico foot the bill, according to a transcript of a phone call shortly after Trump took office in January. […]