Sharia isn’t only about Laws, and Muslims don’t need to abandon Islam to become “Moderate”
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How Big Media Money & Monopolies Affect You: Disney/Murdoch to Net Neutrality
By Des Freedman | ( | – – This week’s events have shown that the new digital media landscape is every bit as monopolistic as the old one. And what’s Murdoch up to now? Image: Rupert Murdoch, who this week sold his entertainment empire – but not his news empire – to Disney Two […]
How Fox & Murdoch paved way for Putin Election Ploy
Reprint edn. Update: Reuters reports that “Facebook says 126 million Americans may have seen Russia-linked political posts” By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – In Edgar Allan Poe’s “Purloined Letter,” detective C. Auguste Dupin discovers a stolen letter in the thief’s own apartments after police searches had failed to turn it up. It […]
London Covered but 83 Iraqis killed in ISIL attack largely ignored by US TV News
UK lives are precious but aren’t Iraqi lives, as well?
Saudi Bloc: Qatar’s Al Jazeera can Stay, it Just has to Report as We Say
TeleSur | – – Al Jazeera said it rejects any “external intervention” and reiterates its “independence and professional editorial stance.” The four Arab countries currently boycotting Qatar are set to drop their demand that the Al Jazeera Media Network be shut down, a United Arab Emirates minister said. The closure of the Qatar-based broadcaster and […]
Influence: Russia just Imitated the Rupert Murdoch/Fox Model
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – In Edgar Allan Poe’s “Purloined Letter,” detective C. Auguste Dupin discovers a stolen letter in the thief’s own apartments after police searches had failed to turn it up. It was hidden in plain sight, on a card rack hanging from a ribbon, though it had been […]
Al Jazeera Defies Saudi Bloc’s pressure to close: ‘Journalism itself is under Siege’
AJ+ | (Video News Report) | – – “Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain want Al Jazeera – including AJ+ – to be shut down. Here’s what Al Jazeera journalists think of that.” Al Jazeera Responds To The Qatar-Gulf Crisis | AJ+
The End of pan-Arab Media? Governments Ban whole Channels, Fine Fans
Human Rights Watch | – – (Beirut) – Arab countries engaged in a dispute with Qatar have shut down media outlets with links to or considered sympathetic to the Qatari government, Human Rights Watch said today. The action is a violation of freedom of expression. The countries involved include Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the […]
Does Watching too much TV turn you into a Trump Voter?
By James Shanahan. | (The Conversation) | – – Many gallons of ink (and megabytes of electronic text) have been devoted to explaining the surprise victory of Donald Trump. Reasons range from white working-class resentment, to FBI Director James Comey’s decision to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation, to low turnout. All likely played some […]