miriam cooke writes for ISLAMiCommentary * *REVOLUTIONARY NARRATIVES: NAWAL EL SAADAWI AND SAMAER YAZBEK ISLAMiCommentary Editor’s Note: This paper was written by miriam cooke and presented at the international forum—“Mediterranean Women’s Rights in the Aftermath of the Arab Uprisings” — on June 21, 2013 in Fez, Morocco, and shared with ISLAMiCommentary and TIRN. Note, that […]
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Egypt: Fundamentalist Morsi Defies both Protesters & Military Ultimatum, says Obama Backs Him
Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi’s support in his own government began crumbling on Monday. Ten independent members of the Egyptian upper house or senate (Majlis al-Shura) resigned, ahead of 6 cabinet members in the Morsi government (including the minister of foreign affairs, who announced his resignation on Monday). The resignations come in the wake of Sunday’s […]
“Egypt my Beautiful Country – Helwa Ya Baladi”: a slide show of simpler times set to Dalida’s Hit Song
Egypt is in for a hard week. To take the edge off let’s enjoy Mina Nabil Ramzy’s slide show of nostalgia for Egypt in simpler times, set to the French/Egyptian singer Dalida’s 1979 hit, “Helwa Ya Baladi” (Egypt My Beautiful Country).
How Egypt’s Michelle Bachmann became President and Plunged the Country into Chaos (Cole at Truthdig)
My column is out at Truthdig, “How Egypt’s Michelle Bachmann became President and Plunged the country into Chaos”. Excerpt: “Despite Egypt’s sagging economy, Morsi did not make stimulating it his first priority, and instead tried to please the International Monetary Fund with austerity policies, rather on the model of the Mariano Rajoy government in Spain. […]
‘The 19th Day of the Egyptian Revolution’: What the Egyptian Press is Saying about Today’s Mass Protest
Via the USG Open Source Center, report on Egypt press for June 30, 2013 (arrangement and headings by JC), regarding the massive demonstrations throughout the country by leftists, liberals and Muslim centrists against the presidency of Muhammad Morsi, elected one year ago, who represents the religious Right and is seen by many Egyptians arrogant, high-handed […]
Duelling Demonstrations Divide Egypt over Morsi and Fundamentalism
Tens of thousands of leftist, liberal and centrist protesters gathered in Tahrir Square on Friday for “The Last Warning” aimed at President Muhammad Morsi of the Brotherhood. Morsi has ruled Egypt for the past year, after winning the presidential election in June of 2012. He has made a series of arrogant and polarizing policy decisions […]
Clashes in Egypt during Morsi protests
Egypt is beset today with dueling large protests for and against President Muhammad Morsi. In some places, as in Alexandria, they turned violent, and in the provinces a number of headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood have been occupied or burned. I’ll do a summary tonight. Channel 4 News has raw video of clashes
Egypt: Morsi Fails to Appease Critics as Violence breaks out in Provinces
Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi gave a major speech on Wednesday, commemorating his first year in office and attempting to mollify his political opposition, which is planning to try to unseat him with massive street demonstrations on June 30. A defiant Morsi criticized the opposition and the judges and asked that criminal investigation be launched into […]
Egypt’s ‘Rebellion’ Movement Plans Protests as Generals Warn they’ll Intervene
Egypt is facing its severest crisis since the January-February 2011 revolution against dictator Hosni Mubarak as the country moves toward nation-wide protests on June 30. The elected president, Muhammad Morsi, has been extremely destabilizing for Egypt. His high-handed and erratic policies have polarized the country. Even many supporters of political Islam have been put off […]